Title: Rehoboth, Namibia – Past & Present
Editor: Cornelia Limpricht
Publisher: Solitaire Press
Windhoek, Namibia 2012
ISBN 9789994573011 / ISBN 978-99945-73-01-1 Namibia
ISBN 9783941602687 / ISBN 978-3-941602-68-7 Germany
Hardcover, 18x24 cm, 502 pages, 450 photos, maps and images
Rehoboth, Namibia: Over 130 years ago a group of people known as the Basters migrated from De Tuin in the Northern Cape to settle here peacefully. Various aspects of this community and how it has retained its identity and common purpose are described in this well researched book. The book comprises 15 articles which paint a picture of life in a unique region that has one of the most scenic landscapes in Namibia. The land issue is the underlying, critical factor in all the articles.
Aspects of Baster history & social structure and how they influence modern life
Cornelia Limpricht & Hartmut Lang:
The Trek of the Rehoboth Basters
Cornelia Limpricht:
Baster Territories in the Northern Cape (South Africa) and Great Namaqualand (Namibia)
Acquisition of Land – Landownership – Loss of Land
Cornelia Limpricht:
`Goldrush´ in Rehoboth in 1890 and in 1930
Cornelia Limpricht:
Debt Farms & Sales of Farms. Rehoboth Basters’ Land Losses during German Colonial Times
Cornelia Limpricht:
Families and Farms. `Mixed´ Marriages in Rehoboth during German Colonial Times
Cornelia Limpricht:
Out of Rehoboth. Her Story: Johanna-Susanna Mouton-Wahl and her Entanglement in German History
Cornelia Limpricht:
Churches in Rehoboth
Cornelia Limpricht:
Rehoboth’s Interim Phase: Politics, Churches and Struggle for Independence – 1915 – 1976 – 1990
Cornelia Limpricht:
The Rehoboth Self-Government Act 56/1976 – Effects and Consequences to the Present Day
Sidney L. Harring:
The Baster Community of Rehoboth Case in the Supreme Court of Namibia:
Courtroom Observations and Reflections on the Decision
The Rehoboth Gebiet, its farms, its system of land tenure, its land use pattern
Cornelia Limpricht:
Biography of Narais Farm, Land Ownership in Rehoboth
Cornelia Limpricht:
Land Ownership in Rehoboth: Two neighbouring Farms, Duruchaus and Geelkop, 1890-2008
Dirk Wesuls:
Rangeland Ecology in the Rehoboth Area
Ibo Zimmermann:
The Rehoboth Area. Considerations for Veld Management Strategies
Christiane Naumann:
Rangeland Management and Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Farmers in Rehoboth