Title: In search of Justice and Peace
Traditional and Informal Justice in Africa
Editors: Manfred O. Hinz; Clever Mapaure
Namibia Scientific Society
Windhoek, Namibia 2010
ISBN 9789991640921 / ISBN 978-99916-40-92-1
Softcover, 17 x 24 cm, 463 pages
In search of peace and justice offers articles about the very complex efforts undertaken by communities in various parts of Africa to secure justice and peace at the local level – sometimes in contrast to states, which ignore the local desire for justice or fail to provide their citizens with what a state is expected to provide, and sometimes in tandem with the institutions of the state. Traditional and informal justice systems have attracted the interest of scholars and international organizations alike.
A Word of Appreciation
L Hangula
Part 1: Background
M O Hinz: Justice for justice and justice for peace: Legal anthropological observations
C Mapaure: Accused and cherished: Traditional and informal justice systems as seen by international organisations
Part 2: Traditional justice: The African normality
P N Anyolo: Traditional authority in action: The daily activities of the Okalongo Traditional Authority
T W Bennett: Traditional Justice under the South African Constitution
F Camara: La justice au Sénégal: L’opposition entre un modèle autochtone et un modèle importé et les tentatives d’y remédier
M O Hinz: Traditional courts in Namibia – part of the judiciary? Jurisprudential challenges of traditional justice
N Horn: Community courts in Namibia: Life or death for customary law?
S Ishida: Legal pluralism and human rights in a Kenyan court: An analysis of dowry claim cases
E Laltaika: Court assessors in the Tanzanian judiciary: A failed attempt to combine formal and informal justice systems?
B Sekonyela: Lesotho- traditional administration of justice in a monarchy: Human rights gaps and strategies to encourage respect for human rights
H Sippel & U Wanitzek: Dispute resolution at grass-roots level: Some observations from peri-urban Mwanamsekwa, Tanzania
Part 3: Traditional justice in situations of transition
F X Bangamwabo: Traditional justice: A critical legal analysis of the Gacaca jurisdictions in Rwanda
T Dexter & P Ntahombaye: The Traditional Justice System in Burundi: the institution of bashingantahe
S Tatten: The Olive Branch? The role of a Somali justice system in the quest for peace
F Domingos: Traditional authorities in Angola: Which way?
P Meneses: Framing the complex legal plurality in Mozambique
S Araujo: Legal pluralism and interlegality: The role of community justices in Mozambique
D B Mijak: Traditional authority in the post-Comprehensive Peace Agreement Southern Sudan
Part 4: Traditional and informal justice: Theoretical aspects
E Okupa: Is African customary law just?
L Böllinger: Criminal sciences in Namibia. An excursus in transculturality and law. The internationalisation of criminal law and subsequent theoretical needs
O C Ruppel & K G Ruppel-Schlichting: Between formal and informal justice? The mandate of the Ombudsman in Namibia
S Tatten: Multiple identity configurations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
M O Hinz: “In view of the difficult legal questions, I beg you to understand...”: Political ethics and the German Herero war one hundred years later
M O Hinz, & H Patemann: Healing – Beyond formal conflict resolutions
(with a contribution by Christian Thapa Mukuve)
W F Menski: Monsters, legal pluralism and human rights in Africa