Title: Illustrated Guide to the Wildflowers of Northern South Africa
Authors: Gerrit Germishuizen, Brenda Clark
Publisher: Briza Publications
Pretoria, South Africa 2003
ISBN 9781875093397 / ISBN 978-1-875093-39-7
Softcover, 11 x 21 cm, 224 pages, 614 colour paintings
The idea for the Illustrated guide to the wildflowers of northern South Africa started several years ago when the author and artist realised that, although there were a number of books on the subject, there was still a great need for an illustrated pocket guide that could be easily carried into the field by botanists, nature lovers, ecotourists, hikers and farmers, for on-the-spot identifications, making it unnecessary to collect specimens and deplete the countryside of its beautiful natural heritage. Although this publication overlaps to some extent with Wild flowers of the Transvaal by Cythna Letty, Transvaal wild flowers and Wild flowers of northern South Africa by Anita Fabian & Gerrit Germishuizen, it offers a greater variety of flowering plants, succulents and shrublets, rarely shrubs. It contains a total of 90 families, 330 genera and 614 taxa illustrated in full colour.