Field guide to snakes and other reptiles of Southern Afrika

Fully revised and updated, this field guide to snakes and other reptiles of Southern Afrika includes 83 new species.
Branch, Bill
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Book title: Field guide to snakes and other reptiles of Southern Afrika
Author: Bill Branch
Struik Publishers
3rd edition, Cape Town 1998
ISBN 9780883590423
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 399 pages, 600 full colour photos


Southern Africa is considered to have the highest reptile diversity in Africa. The lizard fauna is certainly the richest, particularly among geckos, skinks and girdled lizards. The region also supports the world's richest diversity of land tortoises. The Field Guide to Snakes and other Reptiles of Southern Africa was published a decade ago as a comprehensive guide to the region's 397 reptile species.

Since then herpetological studies in southern Africa have undergone a renaissance and in the last 10 years more than 83 new reptile species have been discovered - at a phenomenal rate of a new species every 44 days. This revised edition contains more than just the accounts of these new discoveries: the text has been completely reworked and includes taxonomic changes and updates, and new information on biology, breeding, subspecies and habitats.

Further on all the distribution maps have been updated to include the latest range extensions, 16 new colour plates have been added to the 96 existing plates, together presenting more than 600 full-colour photographs and explanatory notes and a comprehensive glossary make the subject accessible to even the beginner herpetologist. And, for the first time, the index to common names is presented in the form of a checklist, allowing naturalists to compile a life list.