Title: A-Z Place Names of South Africa (MapStudio)
Subtitle: Origins, History, Attractions
Authors: Ann Gadd
Genre: Local history
Publisher: MapStudio
Cape Town, South Africa 2015
ISBN 9781770267114 / ISBN 978-1-77026-711-4
Softcover, 14 x 21 cm, 224 pages, throughout maps and photos
Discover the origin of local place names, things to do, historic facts and what makes different towns tick. For instance: What would you do in Lekkersing? Where would you find the longest bridge in South Africa? Which town made international headlines in 1922 when a 14 meter 'sea monster' washed up on the beach? The 'Englishman's Grave' lies just outside Merweville. It doesn't contain a Brit though, what nationality is the person who occupies it?
What's the coldest town in South Africa? Which historic event took place in Makwassie? How did Blanco get its name? Where would you find the last pont (a man-hauled cable ferry) in South Africa? Is Nama Stap a plant, local cactus brew or a type of dance? Which district boasts a bigger variety of birds than the whole of the USA? Find the answers to these and many more questions in A-Z Place Names of South Africa (MapStudio), covering over 900 settlements, villages, towns and cities in South Africa.
Expand your knowledge of this great country and make your road trip come alive as you discover more about the places you are visiting or passing through. Know where to go and what to do, where you need your binoculars for birding or your flippers for great body-boarding, the whereabouts of a pub where you can get acquainted with the locals, or just explore South Africa from the comfort of your couch. Widely researched, A-Z Place Names of South Africa is concise, easy to access and filled with fascinating information.