Birding in Namibia, by Eckart Demasius and Christine Marais
Eckart Demasius's and Christine Marais's book, Birding in Namibia, begins with a history of Namibian ornithology, which serves as background information for the birder. It goes on to briefly describe nineteen localities (eleven of which are situated in IBAs) and to point out the birds most likely to be seen at each, with a checklist of birds for each locality.
Christine Marais Eckart Demasius
The Brandberg and the Spitzkoppe
The Brandberg and the Spitzkoppe that rise above the Namib gravel plains are probably the two finest examples of inselbergs in the country: The Spitzkoppe, also known as Namibia's Matterhorn, lies about 100 kilometres from the Atlantic Ocean, while the Brandberg is some 70 kilometres from the sea. The latter is the highest mountain in Namibia, being 2 573 metres high, of which 2 000 metres rise above the surrounding plains. Although the plains are sparsely vegetated they are more densely so than those around Arandis, with welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis), euphorbia (Euphorbia virosa), kwarda (Maerua schinzii), milk bush (Euphorbia damarana), shepherd's tree (Boscia albitrunca) and smelly shepherd's tree (Boscia foetida) predominating. Scattered acacia and commiphora species also occur. Rainfall in the arid Namib is extremely variable and this has an enormous effect on the birds that appear in this area. In dry years, birds of the drier western regions extend their range inland, while in periods of good rainfall the birds of the east move further into the desert, as food becomes more available. The Spitzkoppe is the one place where the endemic Herero Chat will be seen with certainty around the base of the granite mountain. Gray's Lark, which extends its range eastwards in dry periods, is seen on the gravel plains. Carp's Tit prefers the eastern, more vegetated side of the mountain. Namaqua and Double-banded Sandgrouse are found in the area, the latter preferring rocky outcrops. Sociable Weaver occurs where large trees can support its enormous nest. At the Brandberg the wooded drainage lines and the vegetated mountain slopes are suitable habitats for Rüppell's Parrot, Redbilled Francolin, Monteiro's Hornbill, Herero Chat, Namaqua Dove, Swallowtailed Bee-eater, Rockrunner, Whitetailed Shrike, Short-toed Rockthrush and sometimes Barecheeked Babbler. Rosyfaced Lovebird prefers dry, mountainous country but is very dependent on water, its presence indicating open water in the vicinity. It nests in crevices among rocks, and transports its nesting material to the nesting site held in the feathers of its rump. The stony and rocky plains surrounding the Brandberg and the Spitzkoppe support Ludwig's Bustard and Ruppell's Korhaan, as well as Gray's and Stark's Lark. Black Eagle, Augur Buzzard, Lanner Falcon and Rock Kestrel nest on the cliffs, while on the surrounding plains Pale Chanting Goshawk and Blackbreasted Snake Eagle are found. Lappetfaced Vulture is relatively common in the area around the Spitzkoppe. A very common bird is Whitebrowed Sparrow-weaver, which builds its untidy grass nest in colonies, predominantly on the western to north-western side of acacias. The reason for this is probably to warm up the structure in the late afternoon sun. The nest has an open tube, accessible from both sides. When the birds breed they close up one entrance, possibly as extra protection for the young. [...]
This is an excerpt from the book: Birding in Namibia, by Eckart Demasius and Christine Marais.
Title: Birding in Namibia
Authors: Eckart Demasius, Christine Marais
Publisher: Gamsberg Macmillan
Windhoek, Namibia 1999
ISBN 9991601902 / ISBN 99916-0-190-2
Hardcover, 18 x 25 cm, 204 pages, countless colour illustrations
Demasius, Eckart und Marais, Christine im Namibiana-Buchangebot
Birding in Namibia
Beautifully illustrated birding guide to selected and well described sites in Namibia.
Swakopmund. Eine kleine Chronik (Erstauflage 1982)
Swakopmund. Eine kleine Chronik, Erstauflage von 1982 zum 90. Gründungstag Swakopmunds.
Namib Flora: Swakopmund to the Giant Welwitschia via Goanikontes
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Windhoek. Ons Erfenis
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Windhoek: Unser Erbe
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Swakopmund: Ons Erfenis
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Swakopmund: Our Heritage
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Swakopmund: Unser Erbe
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Swakopmund gestern und heute
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Namib Flora. Von Swakopmund zur grossen Welwitschia über Goanikontes
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Damaraland Flora. Spitzkoppe, Brandberg, Twyfelfontein. English version
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Damaraland Flora. Spitzkoppe, Brandberg, Twyfelfontein
Im Damaraland befinden sich die Gebiete der Spitzkoppe, des Brandbergs und Twyfelfonteins, deren Flora hier ausführlich beschrieben ist.
Waterberg Flora. Wanderwege im Touristenlager
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Namibias bunte Vogelwelt
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