WTF What the Fact! (MapStudio), by MapStudio

WTF What the Fact! (MapStudio). Cape Town, South Africa 2015. ISBN 9781770265950 / ISBN 978-1-77026-595-0
You will find the answers to many, mostly South Africa related questions in MapStudio's WTF What the Fact! and many other fascinating, bizarre and astounding facts while broadening your general knowledge about South Africa and the world.
PEOPLE: Famous South Africans • South African Nobel Prize Winners • People who have made a difference in South Africa • Famous South African Actors and Film Directors • Top South African Authors • Top South African Solo Musicians • Top South African Bands • Top South African Artists • Famous People Who Have Overdosed Under The Age Of • Common Names and Surnames • Real Names of Famous People • South African Firsts and Only • Leaders of South Africa • Leaders of the United States
FAUNA & FLORA: Largest Mammal • Smallest Mammal • Largest Antelope • Tallest Mammal • Fastest Land Mammal • Largest Rhino Population • Heaviest Flying Bird • Largest Bird • Largest Reptile • Largest Fish • Largest Succulent • Smallest Succulent • Unique South African Fauna and Flora
GEOGRAPHY: South African Geographical Facts • The World Geographical Facts • Capital Cities in Africa that most people get wrong • Capital Cities in the World that most people get wrong • Countries that have never been colonised • Top Natural Wonders of South Africa • Top Natural Wonders of the World • World Heritage Sites of South Africa • World Heritage Sites outside South Africa • Tallest Buildings in Africa • Tallest Buildings in the World • Fastest Growing Cities in Africa • Fastest Growing Cities in the World • Cities with the Largest Populations in Africa • Cities with the Largest Populations in the World • Towns in South Africa with the Strangest Names • Towns in the World with the Strangest Names
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: Climate Statistics for South Africa • Climate Statistics for the World • Worst Natural Disasters since in South Africa • Worst Natural Disasters since in the World
TOURISM: Offbeat Sites in South Africa • Offbeat Sites in theJA/orld • Unique Tourist Spots in South Africa • Famous Battle Sites of South Africa • Famous Battle Sites of the World
TRANSPORT: Busiest Airports in the World • Busiest Harbours in the World • Busiest Shipping Routes in the World • Longest Tarred Roads in South Africa • Longest Highways in Africa • Longest Highways in the World • Longest Train Journeys in the World • Most Scenic Train Journeys in the World • Highest Mountain Passes in Africa • Highest Mountain Passes in the World • Countries where Motorists Drive on the Left-hand Side of the Road
BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY: South African Inventions • Most Cellphones used in the World and Africa • Most Internet Users in Africa • Most Internet Users in the World • Top Brands in South Africa • Top Brands in the World • Oldest Brands in South Africa • Oldest Brands in the World • Top South African companies to work for • Top companies in the World to work for • South Africa's Natural Resources • Languages Used on the Internet
FOOD & DRINKS: Weird South African Dishes • Weird World Dishes • Unique South African Dishes • Unique South African Drinks • Unique South African Shooters • Famous South African Chefs • Famous World Chefs • Famous South African Food Inventions • Fascinating Food Facts • South African Wines - Top Awards • International Wines - Top Awards • Countries with the Most Vineyards • Top Alcohol Consumption • Top Coffee Production • Top Coffee Consumption • Top Tea Production • Top Tea Consumption
RELIGION: Religions with the Largest Following in South Africa • Religions with the Largest Following in the World
SPORT: Top South African Sportsmen • Top South African Sportswomen • Highest Paid Pro Sportsmen in South Africa • Highest Paid Pro Sportsmen in the World • Top Sporting Facts of South Africa • Oldest Sportsmen/women in the World
MYSTERIES: South African Ghostly Encounters and Urban Legends • International Ghostly Encounters and Urban Legends
CRIME: Most Famous Crimes in South Africa • Notorious Crimes Worldwide - Criminals Never Caught • Most Notorious Criminals of All Time • Most Notorious Serial Killers of All Time • Crime Statistics in South Africa • Crime Statistics in the World
This is the table of content from WTF What the Fact! (MapStudio).
Title: WTF What the Fact!
Subtitle: 100s of useful facts that everyone wants to know
Publisher: MapStudio
Cape Town, South Africa 2015
ISBN 9781770265950 / ISBN 978-1-77026-595-0
Softcover, 21 x 30 cm, 224 pages, throughout illustrated
MapStudio im Namibiana-Buchangebot
WTF What the Fact! (MapStudio)
MapStudio's WTF What the Fact! is a collection of many useful facts, mostly about South Africa, everyone wants to know.
Visitor's Guide Durban & Surrounds
Discover 100 must-do activities in Durban, with MapStudio’s Visitor’s Guide Durban & Surrounds.
More things to do in Moer and Gone Places (MapStudio)
More things to do in Moer and Gone Places in 102 destinations in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique.
Your Bucket List: 150 Must-Do Experiences in Southern Africa
Your Bucket List by renowned author Patrick Cruywagen gives you more than 150 must-do experiences in Southern Africa.
Our ultimate 4x4 Trips Collection (MapStudio)
Our ultimate 4x4 Trips Collection by MapStudio is a must-have book for all 4×4 travellers. See Southern Africa like never before!
Life's a beach: Your Round-the-Coast Guide to South African Beaches (MapStudio)
Discover the beauty of South Africa’s beaches with MapStudio‘s Life's a beach: Your Round-the-Coast Guide.
South Africa for South Africans (MapStudio)
MapStudio's South Africa for South Africans turns away from heavily trodden visitor paths, delving into lesser known, more unusual activities.
Mild to Wild: Adventures and Activities in Southern Africa (MapStudio)
MapsStudio's Mild to Wild: Adventures and Activities in Southern Africa is the ultimate guide to Southern Africa.
Pretoria Street Map (MapStudio)
Die Pretoria Street Map von MapStudio stellt den Stadtkern und den Großraum Pretoria im Maßstab 1 : 25.000 und in guter Detailtiefe dar.
Bloemfontein Pocket Map (MapStudio)
Die Bloemfontein Pocket Map von MapStudio bildet mit dem Stadtzentrum den für Südafrika-Reisende interessanten Teil Bloemfonteins im Maßstab 1 : 15.000 ab.
Durban Pocket Map (MapStudio)
Die Durban Pocket Map von Mapstudio bildet die südafrikanische Hafenstadt Durban im Maßstab 1:12.000 ab.
Port Elizabeth Pocket Map (MapStudio)
MapStudios handlicher Stadtplan 'Port Elizabeth Pocket Tourist Map' zeigt den touristisch interessanten Teil der Küstenstadt im Maßstab 1:20.000.
Eastern Cape Pocket Map (MapStudio)
Die Eastern Cape Pocket Map von MapStudio stellt die touristisch hochinteressante Region Südafrikas im Maßstab 1:1.500.000 dar.
Walking Cape Town Road Map (MapStudio)
Walking Cape Town Road Map von MapStudio ist eine Mischung aus Stadtplan und Wanderkarte und vor allem für Fußgänger in Kapstadt ausgelegt.
Zambia Adventure Road Map (MapStudio)
Die Zambia Adventure Road Map von MapStudio ist im Maßstab 1:1.650.000 angelegt und reich an topographischen Merkmalen.
Mozambique Adventure Road Map (MapStudio)
Die Mozambique Adventure Road Map (MapStudio) zeigt ein modernes, sehr leicht lesbares Kartendesign.
Visitor’s Guide Flower Route (MapStudio)
Visitor’s Guide Flower Route by MapStudio introduces to the wonders of the coastal reagion north of Cape Town.
Visitor's Guide Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (Mapstudio)
Mapstudio's Visitor's Guide & Atlas Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is a new, nicley photographed guide to a somewhat neglected destination.
Visitor's Guide to the Kruger National Park (Mapstudio)
Visitor's Guide to the Kruger National Park is a detailed map and informative guide with best routes and GPS points.
Make the most of your time in South Africa (MapStudio)
Make the most of your time in South Africa makes rout proposals and is a new MapStudio product.
Road Tripping South Africa (MapStudio)
MapStudio's Road Tripping South Africa will take you on quiet, scenic back roads to places that you probably didn’t know existed.
Camp & Caravan (MapStudio)
MapStudio's Camp & Caravan is a very good guide to 600 camping, camping places and ressorts in South Africa.
More back-road 4x4 trips (MapStudio)
More Back-Road 4x4 Trips offers real life route experiences of 10 new trips in Mozambique, Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa, where every route has been personally travelled by Marielle Renssen.
Wildlife Southern Africa: National Parks and Reserves (Mapstudio)
MapStudio's Wildlife Southern Africa is a great guide to over 300 National Parks and Reserves in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Lesotho.
Map of Gauteng Roads (MapStudio)
Map of Gauteng Roads (MapStudio) ist eine Übersichtskarte für den Großraum Johannesburg-Pretoria.
East London & Gonubie Street Map (MapStudio)
Dies ist ein Stadtplan der südafrikanischen Städte East London und Gonubie des Kartenverlages MapStudio.
Adventure Road Map Namibia (MapStudio)
Die neue Adventure Road Map Namibia von MapStudio ist im Maßstab 1:1.650.000 angelegt.
Drive Southern Africa (MapStudio)
Drive Southern Africa (MapStudio) is a pictorial journey of Southern Africa dividing the region into seven major driving routes.
Activity Atlas Southern Africa (MapStudio)
MapStudio's Activity Atlas Southern Africa includes introductory maps, a brief history, people and culture, natural wonders, animals and plants and adventure regions.
Southern Africa Road Map (MapStudio)
Die praktische Übersichtkarte Southern Africa Road Map von MapStudio bildet das südliche und zentrale Afrika vom Kap Agulhas bis zum Äquator ab.
South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland Road Map (MapStudio)
Die South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland Road Map von MapStudio ist eine ausgereifte und zuverlässige Karte für Südafrika, Lesotho und Swasiland.
South Africa Road Atlas (MapStudio)
Der South Africa Road Atlas von Mapstudio ist ein in zahlreichen Auflagen erneuerter, bewährter und praktischer Reisebegleiter.
Durban & Surrounds Street Map (MapStudio)
Die Durban and Surround Street Map von MapStudio stellt den Großraum der größten Stadt von Kwazulu-Natal im Maßstab 1:25.000 dar.
Lesotho Road Map (Mapstudio)
Die Karte Lesotho Road Map von MapStudio zeigt das im Osten von Südafrika gelegene Königreich Lesotho im Maßstab 1:350.000.
Cape Town & Peninsula Street Map (Mapstudio)
Die Cape Town & Peninsula Street Map von Mapstudio zeigt Kapstadt in einem beidseitig bedruckten Haupt-Stadtplan (1:25.000) und vier Nebenkarten.
Zimbabwe Adventure Road Map (Mapstudio)
Die Zimbabwe Adventure Road Map von Mapstudio ist eine leicht lesbare und moderne Karte mit GPS-Koordinaten.
Cape Town to Port Elizabeth Road Atlas including East London (MapStudio)
Der Cape Town to Port Elizabeth Road Atlas deckt im Maßstab 1:500000 das Gebiet entlang der südafrikanischen Küstenstraße zwischen Kapstadt, Port Elizabeth und East London ab.
Southern & East Africa Road Atlas (MapStudio)
Map Studio’s Southern & East Africa Road Atlas covers Angola, Botswana, Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda.
4x4 Routes through Southern Africa (Mapstudio)
The Mapstudio 4x4 Routes through Southern Africa takes a detailed look at 20 great 4x4 routes across Southern Africa and includes a CD with GPS tracks and maps.
Our Top 4x4 Trips. South Africa, Namibia & Botswana (Mapstudio)
Our Top 4x4 Trips features chosen and prooved 4x4 tracks in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana and is a product of MapStudio.
Mozambique Road Atlas (Mapstudio)
Mozambique Road Atlas by Mapstudio is a guide to main sites and parks, historical information, activities, getting around on the roads, what to pack, eating and sleeping.
Mpumalanga/ Lowveld Tourist Map (MapStudio)
Von der beliebten Mpumalanga/ Lowveld Tourist Map von MapStudio gibt es inzwischen eine aktuelle Folgekarte.
Kruger National Park Tourist Map 1:450.000 (MapStudio)
Kruger National Park Tourist Map 1:450.000 hat keinen entsprechenden Kartennachfolger innerhalb der MapStudio-Reihe gefunden.
Book of the Road. Your South African Motoring Bible (MapStudio)
Book of the Road. Your South African Motoring Bible ist ein hervorragender Südafrika-Atlas ist im Maßstab 1:750.000 von MapStudio.
Windhoek Street Map; Stadtplan (MapStudio)
Mapstudios Windhoek Street Map stellt als Stadtplan alle Stadtteile Windhoeks, und nicht, wie so oft zu sehen, nur das erweiterte Zentrum dar.
Namibia Touristenatlas (MapStudio)
Der Namibia Touristenatlas von MapStudio bietet eine vollständige Abdeckung des Landes und ein reiches Zusatzangebot an Stadtplänen und regionalen Karten.
Cape Town & Surrounding Attractions Road Map (MapStudio)
Mit der Cape Town & Surrounding Attractions Road Map bietet MapStudio eine regionale Themenkarte an, die zu zahllosen Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausflugszielen in und um Kapstadt führt.
Angola Road Map 1:1.500.000 (MapStudio)
Die Angola Road Map von MapStudio ist eine der wenigen aktuellen Karten von Angola, gut lesbar und übersichtlich im Maßstab 1:1.500.000 gestaltet.
Flower Route, West Coast & Namaqualand Road Map (MapStudio)
Mit der Karte Flower Route, West Coast & Namaqualand Road Map hat MapStudio die Westküste von Südafrika, die berühmte Flowerroute und das Namaqualand dargestellt.
Mpumalanga Lowveld & Kruger National Park Tourist Atlas (MapStudio)
The Mpumalanga Lowveld & Kruger National Park Tourist Atlas belongs to a well known series published by MapStudio that covers wide parts of Southern Africa.
Atlas of National Parks and Reserves of South Africa 1:1.500.000
The Atlas of National Parks and Reserves of South Africa covers over 300 parks, reserves, over 150 photographs, site and location maps.
Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park incl. Panorama Route Road Map (MapStudio)
MapStudio stellt mit der Mpumalanga & Kruger National Park & Panorama Route Road Map die touristischen Schwerpunkte der Mpumalanga-Provinz im Maßstab 1 : 200.000 dar.
KwaZulu-Natal Road Map (MapStudio)
Straßenkarte KwaZulu-Natal Road Map 1:250 000 von MapStudio mit Pietermaritzburg, Midlands & Drakensberg.
Richtersveld & Fish River Canyon Road Map (MapStudio)
Die Richtersveld & Fish River Canyon Road Map von MapStudio stellt zwei entlegene Regionen in Südafrika und Namibia dar.
Western Cape Road Map (MapStudio)
Die gut lesbare Western Cape Road Map von Mapstudio deckt Südafrikas Western Cape in Gänze und mit vielen GPS-Koordinaten ab.
Table Mountain and Cape Peninsula Activities Map (MapStudio)
Die Table Mountain and Cape Peninsula Activities Map von MapStudio ist eine ausgezeichnete Karte für Unternehmungslustige am Kap der Guten Hoffnung.
Visitor's Guide to Cape Town & The Peninsula (MapStudio)
MapStudio's Visitor's Guide to Cape Town & The Peninsula is a very useful routefinder, with beautiful photos to guide you along your way.
Visitor's guide Garden Route & Route 62 (MapStudio)
This visitor's guide was designed as a detailed and easy to follow route planner to the Garden Route & Route 62 at scale 1:30.000.
Mozambique Road Map (MapStudio)
Die ausgereifte Mozambique Road Map von MapStudio deckt Mosambik mitsamt Bazaruto Archipelago und Inhaca Islands ab.
Namibia Road Atlas (MapStudio) 1:1500000
The Namibia Road Atlas by MapStudio, displays Namibia and its regions in scale 1:1500000 plus 21 major towns.
Western Cape Road Atlas (MapStudio)
Western Cape Road Atlas (MapStudio) features popular tourist areas, like Cape Town, the Cape Winelands, the West Coast, the Breede River Valley, Overberg, the Garden Route, Route 62 and the Klein Karoo.
Eastern Cape Road Atlas (MapStudio)
Der Eastern Cape Road Atlas 1:700.000 von MapStudio enthält in dieser 4. Auflage erstmals GPS-Koordinaten.
Kwazulu-Natal Road Atlas 1:600.000
Road maps, Information and GPS-co-ordinates for Kwazulu-Natal and main tourist areas
Cradle of Humankind Explore Map
Die Cradle of Humankind Explore Map ist eine Karte der Sehenswürdigkeiten der prähistorischen Geschichte Südafrikas.
Garden Route & Route 62 Road Map (MapStudio)
Die von MapStudio herausgegebene Garden Route & Route 62 Road Map bildet die bekannte südafrikanische Region zwischen Cape L'Agulhas und Port Elizabeth im Maßstab 1:300.000 ab.
Cape Peninsula National Park Explore Map
Cape Peninsula National Park Explore Map covers Cape Point to Table Mountain.
Bloemfontein Street Plan
Nutzen Sie Stadtpläne in größeren Städten - Don't get lost in South Africa's cities!
Johannesburg/Randburg/Sandton Street Map
Nutzen Sie Stadtpläne in größeren Städten: Johannesburg/Randburg/Sandton Street Map.
Winelands of the Western Cape Road Map/Karte (MapStudio)
Winelands of the Western Cape Road Map von MapStudio ist eine Regionalkarte der Weinanbaugebiete Südafrikas.
Table Mountain Road Map (MapStudio)
Table Mountain Road Map von MapStudio ist eine Regionalkarte des Tafelberges bei Kapstadt, Südafrika.