Namibia Old and New - Content, by Gerhard Tötemeyer

Namibia Old and New - Content, by Gerhard Tötemeyer

Namibia Old and New - Content, by Gerhard Tötemeyer

In his study Namibia Old and New, Gerhard Tötemeyer shows the ramifications of the deep - seated conflict between elites who stand respectively for tradition and for modernization.

Gerhard Tötemeyer  


I The Country, the People and the Traditional Order
1 Geography
2 The Ovambos: Ethnic Origins and Composition
3 The Traditional Social Order
4 The Traditional Political Order
5 The Traditional Juridical Order
6 The Traditional Economic Order
II Contact with the Whites
1 The Christian Churches
(a) Lutheran Mission
(b) The Roman Catholic Mission
(c) The Anglican Mission
(d) The Ovamboland Independent Church
(e) Other Faiths
(f) Church and State
(g) The Modernizing Role of Religious Leaders
2 Political and Administrative Modernization
(a) German Administration
(b) South African Administration
(c) The Odendaal Commission
III The Implications of Political Development
1 Introduction
2 Composition and Functioning of the Legislative Council
3 The First Legislative Council, 1968-73
(a) The Problems Discussed
(b) Defects and Problems
4 The Second Legislative Council, 1973-75
5 The Third Legislative Council, 1975-
6 Attitudes to Political Development
(a) The White Administrative Elite
(b) The Chief Councillor and Chief Ministers
(c) The Ovambo Elites
(d) The Problem of Political Leadership
1 Administrative Reform
(a) The Administrative Framework
(b) Attitudes of the Administrative Elite
8 The United Nations
9 Conclusions
IV Socio-Economic Development
1 Introduction
2 Economic Development
(a) Agriculture
(b) Commerce and Industry
(c) Labour
(d) The Strike of Ovambo Workers and the New Labour
(e) Labour Unrest
(f) Social and Economic Aspects of the Contract System
(g) Political Characteristics and Implications of the Contact
3 Education
(a) Problems of Educational Development
(b) Political Attitudes of Teachers
(c) Political Attitudes of Students
4 Attitudes to Press and Radio
5 Medical Development
V Political Parties
1 The Status of Parties
4 The Ovamboland Independent Party
5 Conclusions
Notes to the Text
Namibia (South West Africa)
Southern Africa

This is the table of contet of the study Namibia Old and New, by Gerhard Tötemeyer.

Title: Namibia Old and New
Subtitle: Traditional and Modern Leaders in Ovamboland
Author: Gerhard Tötemeyer
Publisher: C. Hurst & Co.
London, 1978
ISBN 0 - 903983 - 84 - 2
Original hardcover and dustjacket, 14x22 cm, 258 pages

Tötemeyer, Gerhard im Namibiana-Buchangebot

Gedanken zur Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft Namibias

Gedanken zur Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft Namibias

Gerhard Tötemeyers Gedanken zur Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft Namibias.

Namibia Today

Namibia Today

Namibia today: Challenges and obstacles to reconciliation and stability three decades after independance.

A Rebel for Change in Apartheid South Africa and Colonial Namibia

A Rebel for Change in Apartheid South Africa and Colonial Namibia

A Rebel for Change in Apartheid South Africa and Colonial Namibia is Professor Gerhard Tötemeyer's autobiography.

Here we stand. Reflecting on 500 years of Reformation in Namibia

Here we stand. Reflecting on 500 years of Reformation in Namibia

Here we stand: Reflecting on 500 years of Reformation in Namibia includes articles by Namibian bishops, theologians, pastors, academics and lay members of the Lutheran community.

Das Werden und Wirken eines Rebellen

Das Werden und Wirken eines Rebellen

Das Buch 'Das Werden und Wirken eines Rebellen' sind autobiographische und historische Notizen des Deutsch-Namibiers Gerhard Tötemeyer.

South West Africa, Namibia

South West Africa, Namibia

A detailed study of the socio economic conditions pertaining at a transitional time in the history of South West Africa, Namibia.

Namibia Old and New. Traditional and Modern Leaders in Ovamboland

Namibia Old and New. Traditional and Modern Leaders in Ovamboland

Namibia Old and New is focused on the development of Ovamboland from a traditional society to a modern one.

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