Namibia Today

Namibia today: Challenges and obstacles to reconciliation and stability three decades after independance.
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Title: Namibia Today
Subtitle: Challenges and Obstacles to Reconciliation and Stability
Author: Gerhard Tötemeyer
Genre: Social Study
Publisher: Namibia Institute for Democracy
Windhoek, Namibia 2014
ISBN 9789991686592 / ISBN 978-99916-865-9-2
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 144 pages

About: Namibia Today

Namibia Today: Challenges and Obstacles to Reconciliation and Stability addresses the post-war situation in Namibia marked by an unfinished liberation struggle, twenty-four years after independence. One of the questions deliberated on is whether Namibia has lost a sense of common purpose and vision which so decisively characterised the independence struggle. Gerhard Tötemeyer's book, published by Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), reflects a stock-taking, a kind of inventory, where Namibia stands today, politically, economically and socially and what could be the road ahead.

Content: Namibia Today

Statistics and Concepts
The State Civil Society
Ethnocentrism, Racism and Tribalism
Ethnocentrism and Racism
Traditional authorities/communities and state authority
Legal pluralism
Inter- and intra-tribalism as destructive factors
Public reaction to tribalism, ethnocentrism and racism
The land issue: communal land and economic (in)justice
Tribalism and material gain
Moral decline: corruption related to tribalism, racism and other causes
The Namibian Society
Shared values
National unity, social identity, cohesive society
Civic organisations
The media
Economics and politics
Labour/Worker Unions
Class-forming: the poor and the rich and little in between
Elite forming: the nouveau riche
Reconciling reality with expectations of the young generation
The youth's quest for equality and social justice
Communication between young and old
Democracy and dominant/hegemonic one-party rule
Democracy as such Multi-party democracy
National and sub-national government reform
Dominant/hegemonic one-party governance
Quo vadis SWAPO Party?
Centralisation and decentralisation of government authority
The 2014 national assembly and presidential elections
Reconciliation in Namibia
National reconciliation
Political reconciliation and restorative justice
Restorative justice: two examples
The Christian Church and society
Concluding remarks Resources

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