Three views in the past of Windhoek, by Annemarie Heywood and Brigitte Lau.

Three views in the past of Windhoek, by Annemarie Heywood and Brigitte Lau. ISBN 991630236 / ISBN 9916-30-23-6
One of the most beautiful farms in Windhoek's vicinity is the farm Regenstein, situated in the Auas mountains. It is described in the booklet Three views in the past of Windhoek, by Annemarie Heywood and Brigitte Lau.
Today it is the property of the controversial Cultura 2000. In German colonial times Regenstein belonged to the administration and was used as a safe place for horses belonging to the government as well as the Schutztruppe against the African Horsesickness (pestes equorum): it was also used by the Truppe to accommodate their troops. Since the records of the Truppe are unfortunately lost, information on the history of the place prior to 1915 is scant. The first colonial military leader, Curt von Francois, early on recognised the importance of the location for keeping his horses free from the sickness that befell most of the troops' horses in Namibia. During the rainy season when horses were most susceptible to the deadly virus fever, they were brought to high lying areas such as Regenstein (which includes the Aredareigas plain). Thus Regenstein had considerable strategic importance for a mounted colonial military based at Windhoek. This was also recognised by Hendrik Witbooi, the Nama leader, who managed to effectively immobilise the German Truppe after his headquarters at Hoornkrans had been ruthlessly raided and burnt by von Frangois in April 1893. Aware that in April the Truppe's horses would be at Regenstein, he followed the Commissioner, and seized not only 40 of the remaining 110 Schutztruppe horses from the place, but also intercepted another 130 purchased by von Francois and on their way to Regenstein. After cures had been found for the virus, Regenstein was used as a station for the Erste Kompagnie, and manoeuvres were often held there. The area was also used for recreational purposes, and officers as well as soldiers ventured there for a day out of Windhoek. From 1899 to 1914 numerous buildings were constructed, of which only a few survive; the adventurous road up the mountain, dams, cattle posts and water holes were also built - as well as a horse racing course. The Union authorities' policy after 1915 was to privatise crown land. From 1916 state farms were made available for settlement. Regenstein was included in the scheme. In June 1921 Regenstein - then 8676 ha - was advertised. An H. J. de Jager was selected from the applicants and allotted the farm for five years, with an option of purchase at the end. De Jager lived on Regenstein from 1922-1927, when his option (in the meantime extended) was transferred to Adolf Gutknecht. Gutknecht purchased the property for £2.184 - then a fortune - in 1930. The farm has changed hands seven times since then; portions were sold off to neighbouring owners and other settlers until 1986, when it was sold to the Administration for Whites to establish a youth camp promoting 'white culture'. [...]
This is an excerpt from the book: Three views in the past of Windhoek, by Annemarie Heywood and Brigitte Lau.
Titel: Three views in the past of Windhoek
Compilation: Annemarie Heywood; Brigitte Lau
Sponsor: Namibisch-Deutsche Stiftung für kulturelle Zusammenarbeit
2nd printing, Windhoek 1993
ISBN 991630236 / ISBN 9916-30-23-6
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 34 pages, 23 bw-photos, 2 maps
Heywood, Annemarie und Lau, Brigitte im Namibiana-Buchangebot
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