Carl Hugo Hahn. Diaries 1837-1860 Volume 5, Register and Indexes, by Brigitte Lau
Brigitte Lau edited the dairies of missonary Carl Hugo Hahn in five volumes. He had written them during his time in South West Africa 1837-1860.
Those who wish to look up what Hahn has to say about specific persons and places will find the name index useful. There, the modern names rather than 19th century terms have been used. The names used by Hahn were, however, included in brackets to facilitate finding the reference on the relevant pages. For example, Hahn at first did not speak of Hereros, but of Damaras, Gomaxa-Damaras, Omohereros or Umuherero. Although we have, as a rule, paid close attention to the actual name appearing in the text, those that were called "Arme" by Hahn have been included under "Ovatjimba". This seemed permissible as the very name Ovatjimba refers to poor people who have to struggle for their livelihood. The subject index is designed to assist all those who are searching for information on a specific subject which can be a hopeless undertaking with a text of 1000 pages. Since the subject index is in English, we hope that it will also aid those who have a reading knowledge of German but are otherwise not fluent. Last but not least I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have assisted me in completing this work. Special thanks go to my colleagues at the Archives Services Division, who were always ready to help with advice, suggestions, and such concrete tasks as proof-reading. Kwambi people, one of the Ambo-speaking groups, living in modern-day northern SWA/Namibia. Systematic oral history research has not been done among Ambo-speaking groups in SWA/Namibia. With some notable exceptions (listed in the bibliographies cited below) they have received little attention by recent as well as colonial historiography. However, there is much source material. For archival research, consult the records of the Finnish Mission Society (presently in part available at ELOC, Oniipa). For references (books, theses etc.), there are at least three recent and comprehensive bibliographical/source material studies available, namely Eirola Social Change; Eriksen: Bibliography, nos. 118, 119, 123, 124, 139; Werner Hillebrecht: Theses and Dissertations.
From the name index of Carl Hugo Hahn Diaries 1837-1860:
Kwanyama People, one of the Ambo-speaking groups, based until today in present-day northern SWA/Namibia and southern Angola; for further references, see Kwambi.
Lambert, Amraal, *in the district of Clanwilliam, Cape - tGobabis, 13.2.1864, chief, cousin of Jonker Afrikaner. He came to Namaland in 1814, together with missionary Schmelen. Stayed with Schmelen for ca. 14 years. In 1839/40 he moved with the group of followers he had collected to Naosanabis (today Leonardville). They became known as the Gobabis people, or Amraal's group, or Kai/khauan, in later sources as 'Khauas Hottentots'. A.L. finally abandoned Naosonabis as a settlement in 1856 for Elephant's Fountain (Gobabis) where he and most of his family died in 1864 in a smallpox epidemic; DSAB III, 21-2; BRMG 1864, 326-30; ELC KP March 1856, para. 15; Wallmann: Leiden und Freuden, 202-5; Lau: 'Emergence', 17.
Lambert, Anna, wife of Amraal, also from the Cape Colony; died in smallpox epidemic of 1864; BRMG 1864, 326-30.
Larsen, Hans, trader, hunter, cattle farmer, 'handyman'. Born in Denmark, H.L. entered the service of Dixon and Morris in 1843, was intermittently employed by the Rhenish missionaries, Galton and Andersson in various capacities, left Namaland in 1853 for the Australian gold fields; Tabler: Pioneers, 66-7; DNB, 209. [...]
This is an extract from the book: Carl Hugo Hahn. Diaries 1837-1860 Volume 5, Register and Indexes, by Brigitte Lau.
Title: Carl Hugo Hahn. Diaries 1837-1860
Subtitle: A missionary in Nama- und Damaraland. Part V: Register and Indexes
Editor: Brigitte Lau
Series: Archeia, Nr. 5
Publisher: Archives Services Division of the Department of National Education
Windhoek, 1985
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 123 pages, 1 folded map, text in Englisch
Lau, Brigitte im Namibiana-Buchangebot
Carl Hugo Hahn. Diaries 1837-1860 Volume 5, Register and Indexes
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Carl Hugo Hahn Tagebücher / Carl Hugo Hahn Diaries 1837-1860, Part III
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Carl Hugo Hahn Tagebücher / Carl Hugo Hahn Diaries 1837-1860, Part II
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