Angela Day Modern Classics, by Jenny Kay

Angela Day Modern Classics, by Jenny Kay. ISBN 9781431702909 / ISBN 978-1-4317-0290-9

Angela Day Modern Classics, by Jenny Kay. ISBN 9781431702909 / ISBN 978-1-4317-0290-9

Angela Day Modern Classics, comprising 125 of the best recipes published, embodies The Stars mission of serving its readers, albeit in the kitchen, around the dining room or outside at the braai.

Jenny Kay  

Angela Day has been helping readers for more than 45 years. In all that time our helpline number has not changed and neither has our commitment to helping callers. With our phone often ringing off the hook, we go the extra mile to help solve many a household dilemma. Twice weekly we produce a recipe column in Verve, the Lifestyle section of The Star newspaper. Here we keep readers up to date with culinary trends, offer seasonal and economical recipes, teach new cooks the tips and tricks for successful cooking and baking, and provide inspiration to more accomplished cooks. Our recipes have a reputation for being reliable, user friendly and with most ingredients accessible and economical. The recipes featured in this book are a collection of those frequently requested on our helpline, some of our personal favourites and quite a few classics to which we have added a modern twist. I am very fortunate to work with a dedicated team of people who are passionate about food and make my job a pleasure. I hope this book will provide you with inspiration when you need a tried-and-tested recipe, and that it will be the book you pass onto the next generation of cooks in your family. Whether you are a whiz in the kitchen or aspire to be one, this book is for you. An institution within an institution, Angela Day has been a critical and colourful part of the history of The Star, which is celebrating its 125th year in 2012. Angela Day Modern Classics, comprising 125 of the best recipes published, embodies The Stars mission of serving its readers, albeit in the kitchen, around the dining room or outside at the braai. Angela Day has become a trusted household name - so much so that it was immortalised earlier this year in a series of much-loved Madam & Eve cartoons. There is, however, no Angela Day. Instead, it is the pseudonym for The Stars food editor. Over the years, these culinary experts have served up delicious recipes in Verve, The Stars lifestyle supplement. It began with the first food column published in 1964 by Lorraine Jacobs. The current Angela Day' is Jenny Kay. She is backed by a talented team who run a culinary and household helpline, as well as a thriving kitchen where all recipes are tested, cooking courses are run and team-building events are held. This book represents a collection of their most popular recipes, classics with a modern twist, suitable as family fare or gourmet entertaining. May Angela Day Modern Classics occupy a cherished place on your bookshelves - or your kitchens - for decades to come.

This is an excerpt from the cookbook: Angela Day Modern Classics, by Angela Day.

Book title: Angela Day Modern Classics
Authors: Angela Day
Type: Cookbook
Imprint: Lifestyle
Publisher: Random House Struik
Cape Town, South Africa 2012
ISBN 9781431702909 / ISBN 978-1-4317-0290-9
Softcover, 22x29 cm, 144 pages, throughout colour photos

Kay, Jenny im Namibiana-Buchangebot

Angela Day Modern Classics

Angela Day Modern Classics

Angela Day Modern Classics represents a collection of their most popular recipes, classics with a modern twist, suitable as family fare or gourmet entertaining.



Braai offers a collection of contemporary braai recipes, from beef, lamb, pork, chicken, game and seafood through vegetables, salads, breads and desserts.

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