People's war: New light on the struggle for South Africa - Table of Content, by Anthea Jeffery
Anthea Jeffery's previous books include The Natal Story: Sixteen years of conflict and The Truth about the Truth Commission. Both, books have been acclaimed for their meticulous and objective approach, and for breaking new ground on important and contentious issues. This is No 3: People's war. New light on the struggle for South Africa.
Table of Content to People's war: New light on the struggle for South Africa - Content, by Anthea Jeffery:
Photograph of Marjorie Britten
Sources used
Chapter One
Resistance to Apartheid: 1960 to 1977
Shootings at Sharpeville
Soviet interest in South Africa
Armed struggle begins
The failure of armed struggle
Global condemnation of apartheid
The crumbling of the cordon sanitaire
Domestic pressures on apartheid
Buthelezi and Inkatha
Black theology and Black Consciousness
The Soweto revolt
Implications of the revolt for the ANC
Chapter Two
Lessons from Vietnam: 1978 to 1979
An ANC visit to Vietnam
The nature and phases of people's war
The organisational weapon
Mobilisation for struggle
Active involvement in revolutionary struggle
Elements in political struggle
The nature of the violence programme
The importance of protracted war
Seeking external support
The lessons from Vietnam
Chapter Three
Preparing for People's War: 1979 to 1983
Adopting the lessons from Vietnam
Reorganising the ANC
Armed propaganda
Popularising the ANC
Building the organisational weapon
Mobilising for political struggles
A prolonged school boycott
A meeting in London with Inkatha
Little success in winning over rivals
Seeking sanctions against South Africa
Government reaction
Opposition to a proposed tricameral parliament
Moves towards a 'national democratic front'
A BC front spurs on the Charterists
Establishing the national UDF
Time for the 'defensive' stage
Chapter Four
The Start of People's War: 1984
ANC control over the UDF
UDF mobilisation
Campaigning against the tricameral constitution
Making South Africa ungovernable
A prolonged school boycott
Destroying black local government
Disturbances in the Vaal Triangle
Disturbances begin to spread
Evidence of the UDF role in violence
Endorsement of UDF views
The ANC's international campaign
The government's response
Chapter Five
People's War Intensifies: 1985
An ANC call for intensified people's war
The collapse of a black local council
The G-plan in operation
A three-day stayaway in Port Elizabeth
The Langa shootings
The killing of three Pebco activists
Conflict with Azapo
The Kabwe conference
Revolutionary violence and state retaliation
Politicised funerals
Emergency rule in 36 districts
Disturbances in Durban
The funeral of Victoria Mxenge
Consumer boycotts
The Rubicon speech
Violence in the western Cape
A growing fear of necklace executions
The Kairos document
The 'twenty-to-two' rule
Talking to the ANC
The Congress of South African Trade Unions
Chapter Six
A Failed Push for Insurrection: 1986
ANC objectives for 1986
A shift to more fundamental reform
A conference of the National Education Crisis Committee
Unrest in three homelands
Violence and mass burnings in Lebowa
Resistance to people's war
A backlash accelerates
ANC responses to the backlash
Seeking insurrection on 16th June 1986
Emergency restrictions
The National Security Management System and other measures----
Increased sanctions and more Western support for the ANC
Increased Soviet support for the ANC
Attacks on the police and army
Conflict with Azapo
Inkatha a major obstacle
Physical and verbal attacks on Inkatha
Necklace executions in 1986
A greater impetus towards negotiations
Chapter Seven
Shifts in the Focus of Struggle: 1987
More conflict in Natal
More pressure on black local government
Struggles around the May 1987 general election
A 'living wage' campaign and a prolonged rail strike
Renewed emergency rule
White concerns and the Dakar conference
A major miners' strike
Pressure for negotiations
Conflict in Pietermaritzburg
Conflict in Natal accelerates
Chapter Eight
Keeping Up the Pressure: 1988
ANC goals for 1988
More conflict in Natal
Conflict in two homelands
More interventions by church leaders
Municipal elections in October 1988
Operation Vula
Further fighting in Natal
A sharp increase in bomb attacks over the years
The government's response
Secret talks with Mandela and the ANC
An Angolan settlement
More pressure for negotiations
Chapter Nine
Defiance and Reform: 1989
ANC objectives for 1989
More Soviet assistance for the ANC
De Klerk takes charge
The Webster murder
Peace initiatives in Natal
Thatcher's peace plan for South Africa
Negotiations as a terrain of struggle
Consultations in Lusaka
Planning the defiance campaign
Mandela takes tea at Tuynhuys
Implementing the defiance campaign
P W Botha resigns
Stepping up the defiance campaign
A general election
Marching on Cape Town's City Hall
The Harare Declaration
Security force abuses undermine De Klerk
Conference for a Democratic Future
UN endorsement of the Harare Declaration
South Africa at a turning point
Chapter Ten
Fresh Impetus to People's War: 1990
Political liberalisation at a stroke
Mandela's release
Ferment in the homelands
Conflict in KwaZulu and Natal
The Sebokeng shootings
Initial talks-about-talks
The Groote Schuur Minute
An ANC 'week of action' against violence in Natal
Growing conflict on the Reef
Operation Vula uncovered
Discrediting the Vula discoveries
The Pretoria Minute
The ANC's further perspective on the Minute
Surging violence on the Reef
Mandela's warning and the Denver train attack
Possible culprits in the killings
Operation Iron Fist
Support for ANC allegations
A call for self-defence units
An unprecedented death toll in 1990
An ANC consultative conference
The D F Malan Accord
Chapter Eleven
Pushing for an Interim Administration: 1991
More fighting in Natal and on the Reef
ANC self-defence units
An ANC ultimatum to De Klerk
Expiry of the ultimatum on 9th May
The Swanieville massacre
The government's peace conference
More deaths of IFP leaders
Pressure over political prisoners
The ANC's 48th national conference
The Inkatha funding scandal
Alleged 'hit-squad' training for Inkatha
The Tokoza massacre
The National Peace Accord
More killings on the Reef
Distorted reports on political violence
Forming a patriotic front
The VAT strike
Pressures leading to a secret pact
A preparatory meeting
The Bruntville massacre
Renewed accusations of 'hit-squad' training for Inkatha
Formal talks at Codesa
Chapter Twelve
The 'Rough' Road to Democracy: January to July 1992
ANC objectives for 1992
Mass action at Parliament's opening
A referendum on negotiations
More attacks on the police
Conflict between the ANC and the IFP
Random killings on the Reef
The Trust Feed verdict
Evidence of the state role in Goniwe's death
Progress and problems before Codesa 2
Pushing De Klerk 'out of the exit gate'
An ANC policy conference
Goldstone and other reports on political violence
The Boipatong massacre
Allegations of police involvement in Boipatong
The ANC breaks off negotiations
Aftermath of the Boipatong massacre
Goldstone findings on police involvement in Boipatong
Responses by De Klerk and Buthelezi
The ANC seeks UN help
Chapter Thirteen
A Record of Understanding: August to December 1992
A general strike in August
Targeting the Ciskei
The Bisho massacre
Attacks following the massacre
Two inquiries into the massacre
Pressure on De Klerk
The Record of Understanding
A conference for concerned South Africans
More pressure on the IFP
Insights into ANC strategy
Strengthening a 'dominant element' within the NP
More pressure on De Klerk
Umkhonto and the ANC's SDUs
A raid on the Directorate of Covert Collections
A lekgotla between the ANC and the NP
A purge of Military Intelligence
Apia declares 'war on whites'
Links between Apia and Umkhonto
A Goldstone inquiry into conflict in Natal
Chapter Fourteen
Pressure for an Election Date: January to July 1993
Apia's 'year of the great storm'
Arms smuggling at Golela and elsewhere
An ANC/NP bosberaad
The Table Mountain massacres
A multiparty planning conference
Further attacks on whites
Attempts to put violence on the negotiations agenda
The killing of Chris Hani
An upsurge in violence
More pressure for an election date
Violence side-stepped at the multiparty talks
The 'committee of generals' and the Afrikaner Volksfront
Rolling mass action and further killings
Major fighting on the Reef
Moving closer to an election date
More one-sided coverage of violence
An election date recommended
An AWB invasion of the World Trade Centre
More random shootings in the Vaal Triangle
Adopting the election date
Other decisions by the Negotiating Forum
A further surge in conflict
The St James's Church and other killings
Negotiations on the interim constitution
The Tembisa massacre
Operation Pikadel
Mass action adds to mayhem
The killing of Amy Biehl
Chapter Fifteen
A 'Famous Victory' in Negotiations: August to December 1993
Negotiators feel the pressure
Reef hostels under siege
The Wadeville massacre and other killings
Fear and fury on the east Rand
Pointers to the ANC role in violence
More Third-Force accusations,
Buthelezi holds talks with De Klerk
Endorsing a Transitional Executive Council (TEC)
The Heidelberg Road massacre
Enacting the TEC bill and other transitional measures
An SADF raid on a Transkei house
Formation of the Freedom Alliance
More demands for the ISU's removal
Acute pressure on negotiators
The Negotiating Forum endorses the interim constitution
'A famous victory', says Joe Slovo
The TEC comes into operation
TEC action on the ISU
Goldstone and the TEC on the KwaZulu Police
Negotiations with the Freedom Alliance and Afrikaner Volksfront
Parliament adopts the interim constitution
The Heidelberg Tavern and other killings
More talks with the Freedom Alliance
An election boycott
Concessions by the ANC
Agreement on international mediation
Chapter Sixteen
Destroying the Freedom Alliance: January to April 1994
The Freedom Alliance
IFP warnings about ANC strategy
Bringing Bophuthatswana to heel
Neutralising the Afrikaner Volksfront
Controlling the Ciskei
Destabilising KwaZulu
A Goldstone report on Third-Force violence
A TEC report on hit squads in the KwaZulu Police
Further TEC and IEC interventions
Shootings outside Shell House
Emergency rule in KwaZulu/Natal
A four-way conference at Skukuza
The ISU's withdrawal from the east Rand
A pervasive fear
The IFP enters the election
Chapter Seventeen
The April 1994 Election
ANC preparations for the poll
Fresh Goldstone and TEC reports
A wave of bombings
The IEC poorly prepared
Pre-election intimidation
The conduct of the election
IFP 'pirate' stations
Electoral fraud
Missing ballot papers and IFP stickers
The counting of the votes
The final outcome
IFP, ANC, and other objections to the result
The election endorsed as free and fair
Comparisons with opinion polls
The inauguration of President Mandela
Reasons for the success of people's war
Conditions conducive to insurrection
A government unsure of its way
Relatively mild repression
Pressure from Angola
Major resources for the ANC
Economic malaise
The vital role of propaganda
Participants in the propaganda campaig
A blind eye to discrepancies
Consequences of the people's war
Key political consequences
Key social consequences
To extract from People's war: New light on the struggle for South Africa - Table of Content, by Anthea Jeffery:
This is the content of the book: People's war: New light on the struggle for South Africa, by Anthea Jeffery.
Book title: People's war
Subtitle: New light on the struggle for South Africa
Author: Anthea Jeffery
Publisher: Jonathan Ball
Cape Town, South Africa 2009
ISBN 9781868423576
Softcover, 17x24 cm, 676 pages
Jeffery, Anthea im Namibiana-Buchangebot
People's war: New light on the struggle for South Africa
People's war: New light on the struggle for South Africa reports on some 20500 killings as a result of the people’s war the ANC unleashed between 1984 and 1994.
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