Auala, H.; Cloete, C.; Gottlieb, T.; Haimbili, E.; Hembapu, N.; Kabajani, M.; Ndjamba, J.; Shekunyenge, A.; Shipani, H.; Shuuya, T.

H. Auala, C. Cloete, T. Gottlieb, E. Haimbili, N. Hembapu, M. Kabajani, J. Ndjamba, A. Shekunyenge, H. Shipani and T. Shuuya are Namibian students.
H. Auala, C. Cloete, T. Gottlieb, E. Haimbili, N. Hembapu, M. Kabajani, J. Ndjamba, A. Shekunyenge, H. Shipani and T. Shuuya are Namibian students.
The Summer Land Care Programme (SLCP) of December 2011 to February 2012 was a chance for ten Namibian students to gain experience in critical thinking and research processes based on land use, care, and management. This cycle of students came from a variety of schools, programmes and backgrounds. The students represent the University of Namibia (UNAM), UNAM-Ogongo, and Polytechnic of Namibia and have a variety of specializations including Animal Behaviour, Environmental Science, Economics, Ecology and Geography, and Ecology and Geology. H. Auala, C. Cloete, T. Gottlieb, E. Haimbili, N. Hembapu, M. Kabajani, J. Ndjamba, A. Shekunyenge, H. Shipani and T. Shuuya are authors of 'Alien invasive Prosopis: A curse or a blessing?' that was published in the scientific Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society (Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft) in 2014.
Auala, H. und Cloete, C. und Gottlieb, T. und Haimbili, E. und Hembapu, N. und Kabajani, M. und Ndjamba, J. und Shekunyenge, A., Shipani, H. und Shuuya, T. im Namibiana-Buchangebot
Journal 62-2014 (Namibia Scientific Society / Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft)
A scientific series published by the Namibia Scientific Society, this is the Journal Volume 62 dating from 2014.