Basel, Schweiz


E18ghteam is a documentary about the tragic decline of a successful football nation and its comeback.

E18ghteam is a documentary about the tragic decline of a successful football nation and its comeback.

E18ghteam is a film documentary about the tragic decline of a successful football nation and its comeback.

Basler Afrika Bibliographien invites to the screening of the documentars E18ghteam and a film talk with Ngosa Chungu. On 27 April 1993, an aircraft of the Zambian Air Force crashes into the Atlantic, 500 meters off the Gabonese coast. All people on board die, including 18 players of the Zambian football national team and their coaches. "E18ghteam" (N. Chungu and J. R. Briso), 2014 is a documentary about the tragic decline of a successful football nation and its comeback.

Date: 24.11.2016; 18:00 / 6pm

Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Klosterberg 23
4051 Basel


The Cape Malay Cookbook

The Cape Malay Cookbook

The Cape Malay Cookbook is a practical guide designed to enable anyone to produce authentic and delicious Cape Malay food.

Bloedrivier (CD)

Bloedrivier (CD)

Die Aufnahmen für die regierungskritische CD Bloedrivier nahm Koos Kombuis 2008 mit zahlreichen südafrikanischen Gastmusikern auf.