The Equestrian Monument (Reiterdenkmal) 1912-2014, by Gunter von Schumann and Gordon McGregor
Gunter von Schumann and Gordon McGregor, both Namibian citicens and members of the Namibia Scientific Society, have compiled this collection of time snippets on the famous German Equestrian Monument in Winhoek, which was known as the Reiterdenkmal and stood from 1912 to 2014, until the SWAPO-Government destruced and demolished it in an awkward act.
Gordon McGregor Gunter von Schumann
Gunter von Schumann's and Gordon McGregor's publication The Equestrian Monument (Reiterdenkmal) 1912-2014 does not claim to offer the complete history of the Monument, it is nothing but a modest attempt to provide some background information. Choice of documents and photos depended on availability. The articles and photographs used in this publication were selected from what was found in archives and collections. Included are also articles and photographs which have never been published before. Please note that views expressed in this publication in no way reflect the views of the publisher or its publishing house. Over the years the value of the Monument grew, and it became an image in a far greater frame than had been intended at the beginning of the last century. As time went by the monument developed into a site and symbol for commemoration and wreaths for the fallen of both World Wars, even though it was originally for fallen German soldiers and settlers. Not only the Allied Forces organisation Memorable Order of the Tin Hats, the German War Graves Organisation, the German Veterans Organisation, the Heritage Society of the German Overseas Troops and Colonial Troops, the German Culture Council as well as various other groups honoured the fallen here on Remembrance Sunday. The Monument was even used for political statements: during the disturbance at the Old Location in 1959 the Monument had a sack placed over his head, and the monument was decorated with red flowers; later a field of white crosses was planted on the grass around the monument, and even later the Namibian Flag was flown from the barrel of the rifle to the amazement of some spectators and members of the Namibian society. The Monument has become a representative image of Windhoek City as well as an integral part of society in the country, as can be observed by book titles, advertisements for local beer, company logos, carnival floats and stickers. As such it was not only a theme in the German media but also in the English, Afrikaans and indigenous media and press. For a wider presentation of information some Afrikaans articles and German reports (with translation) were added. Other population groups got involved and attended public events relating to the monument, and various efforts were made to also commemorate the fallen of non-German sectors of the local population. One of the articles talks about an attempt by the Windhoek Fanners Association to collect donations for "a monument for all". What began as a monument for fallen German soldiers and murdered settlers developed over a hundred years into a national inheritance until the 25th December 2013, when during what can only be viewed as a sneaky operation and with the assistance of North Koreans, the "Colonial Monument" was moved, and through this its symbolism was removed. This story is portrayed in this book, however, when this publication went to print the last chapter had not yet been written. Many persons and groups assisted with the compilation of this special edition by providing material and everyone is thanked for their interest, support, effort and input. They are far too many to mention by name and this serves as an acknowledgement and expression of gratitude to everyone involved. [...]
This is an extract from The Equestrian Monument (Reiterdenkmal) 1912-2014, by Gunter von Schumann and Gordon McGregor.
Title: The Equestrian Monument (Reiterdenkmal) 1912-2014
Subtitle: A chronological documentation of reports, newspaper clippings and photos/illustrations
Genre: Local History
Compilation: Gunter von Schumann; Gordon McGregor
Publisher: Kuiseb Publishers
Namibia Scientific Society
Windhoek, Namibia 2014
ISBN 9789994576265 / ISBN 978-99945-76-26-5
Softcover, 17 x 23 cm, 152 pages, throughout photos and images
von Schumann, Gunter und McGregor, Gordon und von Dewitz, Conny im Namibiana-Buchangebot
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