Swakopmund: Our Heritage, by Christine Marais
Christine Marais' book, Swakopmund: Our Heritage, will do much to stimulate tge awareness for the need of architectural conservation of the German heritage and will be a worthy acquisition for the discerning traveller, the architectural student and the collector of South West Africana.
Former Post Office (Municipal Offices)
On 2 June 1906 the Governor and building contractors, Bause Brothers, signed a contract for the erection of this building. It was designed by architect Redecker. Built during the years 1907-1908, some clauses in the contract read: 'The building must be built as stipulated in the contract and associated plans; all wood must be seasoned and dry; qualified artisans must be engaged for each task; the roof nails must be 4 cm apart and countersunk.' The high standard of craftsmanship and attention to detail is typical of the times. During 1908 the east wind damaged part of the roof and resulted in some litigation between the government and the post office as to who was responsible for repairs.
Radio Mast Anchor Points
There are the last remnants of a radio transmitter which could have been of great strategic importance to the Germans during the First World War. These anchor points, beautifully designed and constructed, held the guy ropes for an 86-metre-high radio aerial. Together with the transmitters in Luderitz and Windhoek, this transmitter formed a link in a radio network which included Berlin. Building commenced in 1911 and the transmitter was commissioned in January 1912. When war broke out in 1914 and Union troops invaded South West Africa, the Germans feared that the transmitter would fall into enemy hands and be used against them. The transmitter and mast were thus demolished. This did not stop the 'Armadale Castle', a British warship, from shelling the area on 14 September 1914, with little or no further damage being done. One of the shells went through a wooden house and landed in a chicken run.
Jetty of Swakopmund
The German government decided to build a steel jetty in 1911. It was to be 640 metres long and equipped with two 5-ton and two 3-ton cranes, as well as a railway line. The First World War put an end to the construction when its was only one-third complete, at which stage 2.5 million Marks had already been spent. This jetty was never put to use but still stands up to the assault of the Atlantic Ocean. [...]
This is an excerpt from the book Swakopmund: Our Heritage, by Christine Marais.
Title: Swakopmund. Our Heritage
Author: Christine Marais
Genre: Architectural history
Publisher: Gamsberg Macmillan
Swakopmund, Namibia 1996
ISBN 0868480517 / ISBN 0-86848-051-7
Hardcover, 24 x 33 cm, 80 pages, 36 colour impressions, 1 city map, text in English, German, Afrikaans
Marais, Christine im Namibiana-Buchangebot
Swakopmund: Our Heritage
A fine collection of ink, water-colour and pastel drawings reflects and describes the old German colonial buildings, the heritage of Swakopmund.
Swakopmund. Eine kleine Chronik (Erstauflage 1982)
Swakopmund. Eine kleine Chronik, Erstauflage von 1982 zum 90. Gründungstag Swakopmunds.
Namib Flora: Swakopmund to the Giant Welwitschia via Goanikontes
Namib Flora: Swakopmund to the Giant Welwitschia via Goanikontes is aimed at making your trip to Namibia more interesting.
Luderitz: Unser Erbe
Dieser Kunstband stellt das bauliche Erbe der Stadt Luderitz in wunderschönen Illustrationen zahlreicher historischer Gebäude und Panoramen vor.
Windhoek. Ons Erfenis
Windhoek: Ons Erfenis is 'n moie versameling van argitektoniese illustrasies van die hand van die kunstenaar Christine Marais.
Windhoek: Our Heritage
In the early 1980's Namibian artist Christine Marais created her much loved impressions of the architectural heritage of Windhoek.
Windhoek: Unser Erbe
Der Kunstband 'Windhoek: Unser Erbe' der namibischen Künsterlin Christine Marais ist ein wunderbarer Beitrag zur Architekturgeschichte der Haupstadt Namibias.
Swakopmund: Ons Erfenis
Moie versameling van illustrasies en beskrywings van die erfenis van Swakopmund, sy historiese duitse geboue.
Swakopmund: Unser Erbe
Schöne Sammlung von Tinten-, Aquarell- und Pastellzeichnungen und Beschreibungen des Erbes Swakopmunds, der deutschen Architektur und historischen Gebäude.
Erlebnis Etoscha
"Erlebnis Etoscha" ist eines der schönsten illustrierten Naturkundebücher über Tiere, Planzen und Orte des Etoscha Nationalparks.
Swakopmund gestern und heute
Swakopmund gestern und heute ist eine reizend illustrierte Studie der historischen Mitte der Seestadt am Atlantik.
Landshapes. The Geomorphology of Namibia
Beautifully explains the geomorphology and the natural shapes of the Namibian landshapes, with paintings, diagrams and text.
Namib Flora. Von Swakopmund zur grossen Welwitschia über Goanikontes
Dieser botanische Klassiker stellt die Flora der Namib in den Regionen Swakopmund und Goanikontes vor.
Birding in Namibia
Beautifully illustrated birding guide to selected and well described sites in Namibia.
Damaraland Flora. Spitzkoppe, Brandberg, Twyfelfontein. English version
Damaraland includes the area of the Spitzkoppe, the Brandberg and Twyfelfontein, which inhabit a very special flora.
Damaraland Flora. Spitzkoppe, Brandberg, Twyfelfontein
Im Damaraland befinden sich die Gebiete der Spitzkoppe, des Brandbergs und Twyfelfonteins, deren Flora hier ausführlich beschrieben ist.
Namibias bunte Vogelwelt
Wunderbar illustrierter ornitologischer Kunstband über die Vogelschutzgebiete und die bunte Vogelwelt Namibias.
Waterberg Flora. Wanderwege im Touristenlager
Botanischer Namibia-Führer über die Wanderwege zur Flora des Waterbergs im Umfeld des Touristenlagers.