Art in Namibia, by Adelheid Lilienthal

Art in Namibia, by Adelheid Lilienthal.

Art in Namibia, by Adelheid Lilienthal.

The concept of a book on art and artists in Namibia was born at a reception in Windhoek in 1992. His Excellency, the Spanish Ambassador to Namibia, Mr Carlos Sanchez de Boado, and Adelheid Lilienthal discussed the urgent need for such a book.

Adelheid Lilienthal  

The Ambassador expressed interest in funding a catalogue of the Permanent Collection (Permanent Collection) of the National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN) in Windhoek. The scope and content of the book were finalized by the Ambassador, Mr Sanchez de Boado, the Curator of the National Art Gallery of Namibia NAGN, Ms Annaleen Eins, and myself. The final result is Art in Namibia, which serves both as a catalogue of the Permanent Collection of the NAGN and of the Government of Namibia's Art Collection (GRN Coll.) as well as an art book. Art in Namibia confines itself largely to Namibian artists. However, non-Namibian artists who concern themselves with Namibian themes are also included. Local Namibian artists, particularly those represented in the Permanent Collection, have received thorough coverage. The Permanent Collection was started in 1965 and has continuously been enlarged through acquisitions, loans and donations. A specially elected committee of the Arts Association recommended that as many artists as possible be included in this publication. Art in Namibia is, therefore, as comprehensive a catalogue as is possible within the budget available. The contents are arranged chronologically. The book starts with a chapter on ancient rock art. Although it is unlikely that examples of ancient rock art will ever be included in the Permanent Collection, the book provides a brief overview of rock art.

These exquisite paintings and engravings are a vital part of Namibia's artistic and cultural heritage. The second chapter discusses landscape and wildlife art and the artists who concerned themselves with this genre. Examples of realistic landscape and wildlife art by European artists were the first works to be displayed regularly in local galleries and formed the basis of the Permanent Collection The most prominent artists of this genre are reviewed in the chapter entitled 'Landscape and Wildlife Art'. Another section deals with new developments in Namibian art. Traditional and utilitarian art in Namibia - with its rich and varied tapestry of ethnic, social and religious histories and applications - warrants a book of its own. A detailed analysis is unfortunately beyond the scope of this book as there are only a few selected pieces of traditional rural art in the Permanent Collection at present. The brief overview will hopefully give the reader a taste of the variety and richness of the art produced all over Namibia.

The longest chapter is on contemporary art and artists: the new trends which emerged during the 1970s and the developments in the visual arts since Namibia's independence in 1990. The shift from strongly Eurocentric to more Afrocentric concerns is analysed. The transition to independence in the late 1980s caused major changes in the broad cultural spectrum of Namibia. The contribution of John Muafangejo to the visual arts cannot be overestimated. This internationally acclaimed artist thus receives special recognition. The comprehensive list of contemporary artists therefore makes up a substantial part of the book. Contemporary artists comment and report on the diversity of cultures, and on what Annaleen Eins has phrased the 'simultaneity of conflict and harmony, of transformation and equilibrium'. These artists are important witnesses of a transitional phase towards a unique and inclusive Namibian culture.

Appendix A provides practical information on museums, art centres and markets throughout Namibia. Appendix B lists all the artists represented in the Permanent Collection of the National Art Gallery of Namibia NAGN and the CRN Coll. A brief history of the Namibian Arts Association is provided in Appendix C. All information is arranged alphabetically for ease of reference. Art in Namibia is intended to serve as a guide to the Permanent Collection. The pictorial reproductions of works belonging to the Permanent Collection receive preference. Photographs of major works are accompanied with a brief analysis. Visitors to the gallery can consult this volume for information on specific works which interest them. Despite thorough research, errors may have occurred, however. (...)

This is an excerpt from the book: Art in Namibia, by Adelheid Lilienthal.

Title: Art in Namibia
Author: Adelheid Lilienthal
Editor: National Art Gallery of Namibia
Windhoek, 1997
ISBN 9991630732
Softcover, 21x22 cm, 242 pages, many colour photos

Lilienthal, Adelheid im Namibiana-Buchangebot

Art in Namibia

Art in Namibia

This guide is the only of it's kind to the art and artists of Namibia.

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