Title: The Rise of the Phoenix
Subtitle: The story of Sport in the new South Africa
Genre: Sport history
Author: Peter Joyce
Imprint: Zebra Press
Publisher: Random House Struik
Cape Town, South Africa 2014
ISBN 9781770227132 / ISBN 978-1-77022-713-2
Softcover, 17 x 23 cm, 336 pages, numerous colour photos
When you are searching through hooks and magazines, newspapers and the internet for data and comment related to sport, you tend to suffer headaches from information overload. Pretty well every noted sportsperson writes a biography, often with professional help; there are regiments of writers and reporters feeding their readers with their analyses and opinions, expert ones for the most part. And then there is the researcher's own fond memories which, of course, have to be verified. It is all there, in huge quantity. The difficulty the author faces is twofold, deciding what are the most relevant and interesting subjects, and pulling it all together to create a rounded, coherent whole.
1 The Dark Decades
The years in the wilderness
Panel: Sport - the saver of souls
Panel: Big man, big talent, big loss
Panel: :The Greatest of Them All'
Panel: A helping hand for Dolly
2 Barcelona!
The 1992 Olympics
Panel: The Nazi Olympian
Panel: The most unlikely champion
Panel: The ones who missed out
3 The Boys Come Through
Soccer's debut
Panel: The happy side of segregation
Panel: The league that died
4 Indian Summer
Cricket jumps the gun
Panel: The man who changed the game
Panel: Diehard Dudley does the job
Panel: The man who changed the game
Panel: Beautiful words through the air
5 The Last and First Battles
The rugby story
Panel: The world's best? If only
Panel: The power of personality
6 In the Ring
The boxing brotherhood
Panel: The hardest ever
Panel: Vic's records
Panel: Bringing God into the ring
7 The Road to the Top
Rugby 1992-95
Panel: The silky Springbok
Panel: Behind the scenes
8 Masters of the Fairways
Golfing greats
Panel: Els at home
Panel: Golf at the Games
Panel: The Little Champion
9 Men with Heart
Cricket in the 1990s
Panel: The wicket that wasn't
Panel: The umpire strikes back
Panel: The Calamari Kid
10 Atlanta '96
The second Olympics
Panel: No entry for the girls
11 The Roys at their Rest
Soccer - the passionate years
Panel: A week in the life of Lucas
12 Mallett's Renaissance
Rugby: the later nineties
Panel: The freest of spirits
Panel: The great comeback
Panel: A price too high
13 Towards the Second Cup
Rugby downs and ups
Panel: The changed world of rugby
14 Soccer: the Ruinpy Road
New-millennium football
Panel: Bafana's high point
Panel: The challenges of stardom
15 The Changing of the Guard
Cricket: Pollock, Smith and others
Panel: "The Lost Boys'
Panel: Talking trash
Panel: The Mdingi Express
16 The Water Babies
Olympics 2000s
Panel: A triumph shared
Panel: The lady leaves it late
17 Life after Ernie
Golf's flag-carriers
Panel: The ways of Rebel Rory
18 The Winning Streak
Cricket: the recent years
Panel: Albie, the big hitter
Panel: Wagging the dog
Panel: The all-time Dream Team
19 The Game of Thrills
Rugby Sevens
Panel: The shape of things to come?
20 The Hard People
Extreme sports
Panel: Lunacy on the track
Panel: The river man
Panel: The longest mile
Panel: 'The Last Desert'
Panel: A yellow day for Daryl
Picture credits