Title: What if there were no Whites in South Africa?
Author: Ferial Haffajee
Genre: Social Issues
Publisher: Picador Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa 2015
ISBN 9781770104402 / ISBN 978-1-77010-440-2
Softcover, 15 x 23 cm, 192 pages
Very good, like new.
My dear uncle, Mac Carim, was instrumental in making me see South Africa differently and not only through my jaundiced journalist's eyes, looking out only for what's wrong and not what's right. Early on in my editing stint at the Mail & Guardian, he said, 'Jeez, Fer, sometimes it's a wrist-slitter', in reference to various editions. So, now he's expecting this book, What if there were no Whites in South Africa?, and said, 'What an interesting question!', when he saw the title. Sorry, Uncle Mac, this book doesn't answer the question, 'What if whites hadn't colonised South Africa?' I intend to become an historian some day, but this is more a work of contemporary study, and then only of our freedom years. I guess there are some who might answer my question this way: 'If there were no whites, this bloody country would go down the drain.' It's not that book either. Thankfully. And still others might answer, 'And it wouldn't be a moment too soon.' It's not that book either. I prefer to think of this as a love song to an Mzansi (Xhosa: South Africa) I love dearly and as an attempt to see the possible.
What if there were no whites in South Afrida?
Power is a difficult cloak to wear comfortably
A war with yesterday
A numerical majority and a cultural minority?
Looking at some numbers
Selected references