Title: Paths to Pubs
Subtitle: A Guide to Hikes and Pints in the Cape Peninsula
Author: Tony Burton
Publisher: Struik Travel and Heritage; Random House Struik
Cape Town, South Africa 2012
ISBN 9781431700783 / ISBN 978-1-4317-0078-3
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 224 pages
Paths to Pubs: A Guide to Hikes and Pints in the Cape Peninsula is divided into five areas, namely the Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Town, Scarborough, Kommetjie and Fish Hoek, Silvermine and Kalk Bay, Hout Bay and Constantia as well as Table Mountain. The detailed coverage yet of the many paths that run through the Cape Peninsula, this book describes 72 trails that cross Table Mountain, the rocky headlands of Cape Point, and the mountains, ridges, beaches and forests of Constantia and the coastal villages. Best of all, however, there’s a chapter presenting 33 favoured pubs where weary hikers can refresh themselves. Besides a detailed description, each trail features a concise route summary, contour map, and GPS coordinates for the start and end points. A handy overview presents the distance, duration, difficulty, exposure and gradient of each route; colour photographs and varied fact panels on local flora, fauna, geology and history add lively interest. The carefully selected pubs have been rated according to atmosphere, value and quality of food, and useful icons illustrate where there are views or sports viewing facilities. Mountain safety and emergency rescue advice and tips on hiking gear and what to pack are also included. This practical guide, written by veteran hiker Tony Burton, is a must-have for novice and experienced hikers as well as casual ramblers.