Titel: Namibia in the 1860's as painted by Thomas Baines
Künstler: Thomas Baines
Herausgeber: National Archives of Namibia
Windhoek, Namibia 1988
Mappe mit 10 Farbdrucken, 31 x 22 cm
Sehr gut. Geringste Gebrauchsspuren.
Die unter dem Titel 'Namibia in the 1860's as seen and painted by Thomas Baines' 1988 herausgegebenen Farbdrucke stammen von Originalgemälden, die Thomas Baines (1820-1875) während seiner Reisen in Zentralnamibia in den Jahren 1861 und 1863/64 geschaffen hat.
Hykomkap on the Swakop River, May 1861
The Otjimbingwe Volunteer Artillery, 1864
Rheinish Mission Church at Gobabis, 1861
Outspan, October 1861
Christmas on the Narib Namib plain, 1866
Hugo Hahn addressing the Herero before the battle against the Oorlam/ Nama Afrikaners, June 1864
Wagon outspan at !Onanis, May 1861, with a superscription in pencil by C.J. Anderson
Trader Runcie's house at Anawood near Otjimbingwe, 1861
Trader Latham's house and trading store at Walvis Bay, May 1861
The Elizabeth Mary anchoring at Walvis Bay, 1861