Africa's Top Geological Sites

Africa's Top Geological Sites uncovers 44 African landscapes and phenomena, with countless colour photographs, explanatory diagrams and maps.
Viljoen, Richard; Viljoen, Morris; Anhaeusser, Carl; Whitfield, Gavin; Scoon, Roger; Compton, John S.; Schneider, Gabi; McCarthy, Terence; Main, Mike; Cairncross, Bruce; and others
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Title: Africa's Top Geological Sites
Subtitle: 35th International Geological Congress Commemorative Volume
Editors: Richard Viljoen, Morris Viljoen and Carl Anhaeusser
Publisher: Penguin Random House South Africa
Imprint: Struik Nature
Cape Town, South Africa 2016
ISBN 9781775844488 / ISBN 978-1-77-584448-8
Softcover, 21 x 27 cm, 336 pages, throughout colour photos, images and maps

About: Africa's Top Geological Sites

Africa boasts some of the most interesting and spectacular geological features on our planet, many of them unknown and rarely seen by travellers. This book, Africa's Top Geological Sites, uncovers 44 diverse landscapes and phenomena, which are fully described with the support of colour photographs and explanatory diagrams and maps. Authored by a range of geologists and specialists in the field, Africa's Top Geological Sites provides fascinating insight into the geological and geomorphological origins of, among others, the Great Escarpment of southern Africa and its vast inland plateau; the Great Rift Valley system, mountainous regions of the Sahara, great inland deltas, the Cape mountain fold belt, offshore islands, meteor craters, near-legendary minerals and the setting of hominid development on the continent. Palaeontological, archaeological, historical and ecological information is included. Richard Viljoen, Morris Viljoen and Carl Anhaeusser, all Professors of Geology at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, have overseen and edited submissions from more than 40 contributors to this volume.

Content: Africa's Top Geological Sites

Publications committee
Sponsor's foreword
Introduction: Africa's top geological sites
Richard Viljoen
The Victoria Falls and gorges
Andy Moore
The citadel of Mapungubwe
Gavin Whitfield, Morris Viljoen
The Chinamhora Batholith of Zimbabwe
Forbes Mugumbate
The Matobo Hills of Zimbabwe
Tim Broderick & Paul Hubbard
The Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe and Mozambique
Shared Master
The Gorongosa of Mozambique
Roger Scoon
The Northeastern Escarpment of South Africa
Morris Viljoen
The Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex
Roger Scoon, Morris Viljoen
The Barberton-Makhonjwa Mountainland
Carl Anhaeusser
The Pilanesberg Alkaline Complex
Jos Luriet, Richard Viljoen
Evolution of the Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg
Greg Botha & Stefan Grab
Karoo dolerite intrusions
Julian Marsh
Glossopteris in South Africa
Rose Prevec
The Karoo Supergroup
Jonah Choinlere & Bruce Rubidge
The Cape Fold Mountains
Morris Viljoen
Table Mountain and the Cape Peninsula
John S. Compton
The Augrabies Falls region
Stephen Tooth & Gavin Whitfield
The Richtersveld
David Reid
The Fish River Canyon and Nama Group of Namibia
Gisela Hinder, Patricia Vickers-Rich, Paul van Schalkwyk & Gabi Schneider
The Namib Desert of southwestern Africa
Gabi Schneider & Paul van Schalkwyk
The Brandberg and other inselbergs of Namibia
Gabi Schneider & Paul van Schalkwyk
The wonders of the Otavi Mountainland of Namibia
Gabi Schneider
The natural wonders of Pedras Negras in Angola
Sarien Lategan & Pieter van Wyk
Africa's impact heritage
Wolf Uwe Reimold & Roger Gibson
The great inland deltas of Africa
Terence McCarthy
The Tsodilo Hills of Botswana
Mike de Wit & Mike Main
Hominin sites of Africa
Francis Thackeray, Morris Viljoen & Martin Pickford
The Danakil Depression of Ethiopia
Asfawossen Asrat
The Ethiopian Highlands
Asfawossen Asrat
The Gregory Rift Valley and Neogene-Holocene volcanism in northern Tanzania
Roger Scoon
Mount Meru in northern Tanzania
Roger Scoon
Mount Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania
Genevieve Pearson
The Western Rift branch
Damien Delvaux
The Ruwenzori Mountains of Central Africa
Sharad Master
Surreal landscapes of the White Desert of Egypt
Sharad Master
The Hand of Fatima
Sharad Master
The Hoggar, Tassilis and Tadrart Acacus of Algeria and Libya
Sharad Master
The Tibesti Massif of Chad and Libya
Sharad Master
The natural arches of the Ennedi Plateau in northeastern Chad
Sharad Master
The enigmatic Richat Structure in Mauritania
Sharad Master
The Atlantic Ocean volcanic islands
Rita Caldeira
The Indian Ocean islands
Lewis Ashwal
The Bazaruto archipelago of Mozambique
Greg Botha, Simon Armitage & Geoff Duller
African treasures
Bruce Cairncross
Further reading
Contributing authors