My heart tells me that I have done nothing wrong. The fall of Mandume

My heart tells me is the story of chief Mandume and his fall under the grip of the colonial powers.
Silvester, Jeremy
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Book title: My heart tells me that I have done nothing wrong. The fall of Mandume
Subtitle: The Fall of Mandume
Author: Jeremy Silvester
Editor: Annemarie Heywood
Publisher: MSORP
Windhoek, Namibia 1995
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 34 pages, 1 bw-photos, 4 map-sketch


Very good, like new.


The name of Mandume is familiar to most Namibians. He is often mentioned in speeches as a fallen hero of the struggle of Africans against colonialism. Yet no account of Mandume's brief life is available. It is the aim of this article to locate Mandume in Namibia's history and answer some of the questions of the curious. The emphasis will be placed on the final months of Mandume's life.

The account is based on the analysis of official documents and correspondence compiled mostly by the British and South African military he confronted, and preserved in the National Archives of Namibia. It has not been possible for this writer to supplement this information with oral accounts, i.e. the 'living archives', the traditions of Mandume's own people.

A complete account of Mandume's life and death, which will utilize this oral material is still required. It is hoped that this article will provoke further discussion of the role of Mandume, and also provide a short and accessible account of him as one of the key figures in Namibian history. Mandume was the son of Ndapona, sister of the Kwanyama King Nande, and thus, under the matrilineal system of the Kwanyama people, heir to the position of king. […]