A photographic guide to snakes and other reptiles of Southern Africa

Althoug a handy and basic guide, this photographic guide to snakes and other reptiles of Southern Africa shows excellent photographs.
Branch, Bill
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Book title: A photographic guide to snakes and other reptiles of Southern Africa, by Bill Branch.
Author: Bill Branch
Struik Publishers
Cape Town, South Africa 2001
ISBN-10: 1868726193
ISBN-13: 978-1-86872-619-6
Softcover, 10x19 cm, 144 pages, many colour photos


Clear colour photographs show the general build, distinctive coloration and scale pattern of each snake and other reptiles to aid identification in the field. Thumbnail silhouettes are used to lead the reader to the reptile group most closely resembling the species seen.

The text concentrates on key identification features but also gives additional information on location, breeding, venom, and other interesting characteristics. The maps pinpoint the areas in which the snakes occur, and are used to denote the racial differences that occur amongst the various reptile groups in different regions. This beautiful book is part of Struik’s exquisite Photographic guide series.

The handy guide to snakes and reptiles includes chapters on wow to use the book, field hints, identification in the field, species accounts, snakes, lizards, amphisbaenians, crocodiles, chelonians, habitat maps, a glossary of terms and further reading suggestions, and, concluding, an index.