We thought we would be free. Socio-Cultural Aspects of Herero History in Namibia 1915-1940

We thought we would be free contains the socio-cultural aspects of Herero history in Namibia 1915-1940.
Gewald, Jan-Bart
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Book title: We thought we would be free
Subtitle: Socio-Cultural Aspects of Herero History in Namibia 1915-1940
Series: History, Cultural Traditions and Innovations in Southern Africa, Vol. 8
Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Köln, 2000
ISBN 978-3-89645-057-9
Softcover, 16x24 cm, 273 pages, 1 map, 6 diagrams, 10 b/w photos


The present study contains the history of the reconstruction of ethnic identity after 1904 attempted by the Herero. The author specifically deals with the period of 1915-1940 when Namibia was under South African rule, a period which is especially important because of the renaissance of the Herero nation.

By detailing numerous case studies drawn from areas of daily life of the Hereros under colonial rule, the sociopolitical processes involved are highlighted. Apart from the efforts by the Herero themselves to reconstruct their society, the Rhenish Mission and the South African administration exerted influence on these processes.

The result was that the Rhenish Mission lost its former influence on the Herero people, whereas the South African administration was able to strenghten and expand its authority. The work presented here makes absolutely no claims to being a total history of Herero society; yet, at the same time, it does make claims as to the unique nature of the historical developments that took place. […]

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