Wall of Days

Wall of Days is ambitious and hugely readable post-apocalypse literature.
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Title: Wall of Days
Author: Alastair Bruce
Genre: Novel
Publisher: Random House Struik
Imprint: Umuzi
Cape Town, South Africa 2010
ISBN 9781415201374 / ISBN 978-1-4152-0137-4
Softcover, 13 x 22 cm, 240 pages


An expatriate and ex-leader has been living on an island for ten years and he tallies on the wall of his cave the days as they pass. Until the day when something happens that kindles in him such memories and longing that he persuades himself to return, even if it means execution. His reception is so unexpected, so mystifying that he casts about unsure of what is real and what imaginary. Only the friendship of a child consoles him as he retraces the terrible deeds for which he is answerable, and as he tries to reach back, over his biggest betrayal, to the one he loved. Wall of Days is a moving parable about guilt, loss and remembering. Much of the pleasure in the novel is taken in the building of tension and suspense, and teasing out the themes of memory, duty and the conflict between empathy and cold pragmatism.

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