Title: The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia
Compiling: Erika von Wietersheim
Publishers: Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Namibia Scientific Society
Verlag: Kuiseb-Verlag
Windhoek, Namibia 2015
ISBN 9789994576388
Softcover, 17 x 24 cm, 144 pages
The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia came into existence in 1990 and has since then been the foundation of all our civic rights and duties, as well as legislation and government policies. In the spirit of its founding parents, the members of the elected Constituent Assembly of 1989/90, it is important to keep the Constitution alive in our planning and thinking, or to make it a living document, as it is often cited. In practice, this means that the Constitution needs to be accessible as well as comprehensible to all citizens, visitors, investors and foreigners who are living and working in Namibia in order to serve as a guideline for political, economic and civic decisions. This edition of the Namibian Constitution is supposed to serve as a reference guide, a handbook, a source of information.
It not only contains the full text of the Constitution including its three Amendment Acts but also comprehensive additional information both for practical use and for a better understanding of important and controversial parts of the Constitution. For practical purposes, you will find the notes and text of the Namibian National Anthem and the text of the Anthem of the African Union as well as information on Namibia's National Flag and other state flags as well as on the National Coat of Arms and the National Seal. For a better understanding you will find a short overview of the history of the Constitution, the texts of UN Resolution 435 and the 1982 Constitutional Principles which both had a decisive influence on the content of the Constitution for an independent Namibia.
Furthermore you will be provided with some explanatory notes on controversial parts in the Constitution such as land expropriation, the death penalty, affirmative action, compulsory education and the terms of office of the President. We can surely be proud of our Constitution. However, its practical application in all spheres of life presupposes thorough knowledge of its provisions and principles. It is the wish of the Namibia Scientific Society and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation that this edition of The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia may contribute to enhance this knowledge and will encourage its implementation for the benefit of our society and for each individual citizen.