Authors: Nikki Temkin and Nadine Rubin
Struik Publishers
Cape Town, 2005
Hardcover, 12x15 cm, 200 pages, mamy illustrations and photos
Chic Jozi – the Jo’burg pocketbook is a trendy guide that solves the daily dilemmas every chic metrophile faces. Where to go to see and be seen.
The best restaurant for that romantic dinner for two. Where to get your shoes fixed. Where to get the best deli food. Who the top caterers are in Jo’burg. Where to find stylish clothes. Who should really be doing your hair.
Nikki Temkin and Nadine Rubin are both Jo’burg natives with enormous experience and lots of street credibility in the magazine and fashion industries. Sharing their best-kept city secrets with each other led to their collaboration on Chic Jozi – the Jo’burg pocketbook.
Do you hang on to the January issues of your favourite magazines for the ‘best of’ listings? Cut restaurant reviews out of the newspaper? Wish you had a magic wand to wave when you have only an hour to prepare dinner for eight?
Do you like to know where to see and be seen? Who can save your favourite leather jacket by mending that tear? Which Buddhist centre offers the best meditation course?
And where to find some fabulous bargains in designer clothing? With chic tips and insider secrets, Nadine Rubin and Nikki Temkin solve the daily dilemmas every metrophile faces…
Sweeties, darling
Confection Direction – Feeling extra wicked? This chocolaterie-cum-eatery is a chocolate lover’s ultimate haven. A massive slice of chocolate cake will cheer up even the bluest soul. And their Death by Chocolate is made, amazingly, with only one teaspoon of flour! Stop awhile with a Café Diablo, complete with a grappa stick at the bottom. 66 4th Avenue, Melville, 011-482-3236
Godiva Chocolatier – The Queen of all Belgian chocolate has her own shop in Sandton City filled with goodies flown in every week from Europe. Sample one or two from the selection of over eighty different varieties (liqueur-filled, nutty, creamy, fruity…) before taking away your own little packet of truffles to eat or give away as a gift. Sandton City, 011-783 2300.
Kees Beyers Chocolates – Choose the perfect chocolate for that special occasion at famed chocolatier Kees Beyers’ factory shop. The large selection may require friendly Johan Hendry to ease you in the right direction. Prices may be discounted, but the quality is top notch, and each freshly-made confection is lovingly hand-crafted with care. 28 Derrick Road, Spartan, 011-394-6892. Cheap Thrill: Ask for special prices on overruns (with your own packaging) or Kees Beyers’ trial runs.
Leonida’s – Tucked away in a cranny of Hyde Park Corner is this chocolate truffle addict’s delight. Sit here with a deliciously strong coffee and then select a decadent parcel of small chocolates. Visit once and you’ll be back for more, we assure you. Hyde Park Corner, 011-325-5779.
"Buy it. Keep it in your handbag. Never let it go - at least, not until an update comes along."
Sunday Times Lifestyle (Aspasia Karras)
"These girls have given us a makeover worthy of a reality TV show: How to take a fair-sized provincial city with pretensions to megalopolis status, infuse it with a little Sarah Jessica Parker, give it a power shot of lattecino with wings, throw in a sartorial directive, and ... voila - chic Jozi."
Heat (Jenny Collins)
"This is an essential addition to the stylish handbag."
Me Me Me
Top of the Shops
Body & Beauty
Heart, Mind & Soul
Out & About
Eating Out
Caffeine fixes
Chill Out
Art & Culture
Home Sweet Home
Food & Wine
Flower Power
Green Fingers
Rent it
Best Beats
Mall Listings
Thai 4 95-96
24 Central 75, 79, 90, 93,
33 High Street 70
44 Stanley Avenue 17, 62, 75,
69 Belmont 9
1886 78-79
15 117
Home 183,184
The Absa Gallery 123
Absolutely Fabulous 190
Academic 40
The Academy of Metaphysics
Accessorize 24
Addictions 97
Adega do Monge 99
Adventure Golf 49
African Bank Market Theatre
African Cream Music 191
African Queen 173
African Renaissance 173-174
Akhalwaya's Superstore 140
Al Dente 89-90
Alexander's Delicatessen 135
Allora Ristorante Classico 90
A&M 154
Amwa 174
Andre Croucamp 14
The Angela Day Kitchen 63
Annica's Deli & Bakery 135
Anno Domini 79
Anro Floral Farm 120
Ant Cafe 70
Antiques Etc 179
Apartheid Museum 128
Apsley House 29
Art Africa 28
Art Centre 147
Arthur, David 60
Artichoke 172
Art of Living Foundation 57
Ashley's 75-76
Asia d'Afrique 84-85
Assaggi 89
Astoria Bakery 151
Attwood, Pete 61
Auroma Spices 140
Ayurvedic Centre 54
Baccarat 85
Bag Factory 123
Baglio's Gelateria 141
Baker Square 152
Ballard's Books 188
ballet 50
ballooning 119
ballroom dancing 50
Bamboo Centre 68, 150
Banbury Cross Shopping
Centre 131
Barka's 180
Barnard, Christian 86,91
Barnett 180
The Barnyard Theatre 130
Barons Deli 136
Barouge 114
The Barrio 82, 83
TheBassline 117
Batuke 97
The Beauty and Body Shop 40
Beauty in the Mews 40
Bedford Centre 26, 50
Beira Alia 99
Bellgables Country Restaurant
Bellinis 79
The Bell Pepper 97-98
belly dancing 50
Benetton 9
Benkei 86
Benmore Meat 154
Benmore Shopping Centre 154
BEmrepreneurING 58-59
Bert's Butchery see Darrenwood
Cash Butchery
Beyond the Pale 62
Big Blue 14-15
Biggie Best 172
Bikram Yoga 54
Bill Harrop's Original Balloon
Safaris 119,120
Birkenstock 25
Birnam Food Centre 144
Bistro 277 on Main 69, 89
Bite 86-87
Black Coffee 15
Blue Chip 117
Blue Fjord Deli 159
The Blue Note Cafe 113-114
The Blue Room (antiques)
The Blues Room (jazz) 114
The Body Experience 40
Body Mechanix 40-41
The Body Shop 35
Body Therapy 41
Die Boekhuis 186-187
Boesmanland Biltong 154
Bombay Blues 93
Book Bazaar 187
Bookdealers of Rosebank
Books Galore 188
Books Unlimited 187
Bootleggers Liquor Merchants
Bosco Ristorante Italiano 90
Bounteous Blooms 163
Bounty Hunters Charity Shop
Braeside Meat Market 154-155
Bramley Gardens Shopping
Centre 158
The Brazilian Cafe 103
Bread & Butter 28
The Bread Basket 136
Bright House 168-169
The Brightwater Commons
Broadacres Garden Village
Centre 147
Broadacres Shopping Centre 130
Broadway Dance Project 51
Brookdale Day Hydro 41
Browns of Rivonia 77, 78
Bryanston Pharmacy 60
Bryanston Shopping Centre
Bryanston Wedge Shopping
Centre 78, 150
B's Place 84
Buchalter, Stephen 59
Bukhara 93-94
The Bull Run 80
Burger Express Outdoor Event
Catering 160
Bus Factory 124
The Butcher Shop & Grill 79-80
Buzz 9 Cafe 111
By Word of Mouth 160
Cabbages & Roses 172-173
Cafe Flo & Ove Flo 76
Cafe Mezzaluna 71
Cafe Tribeca 104
Cafe Vogue 115
Cakes by Franco 151
Calisto's Portuguese
Restaurant 99
Callaghan 9-10
Camelot 41-42
Cameroon 20
Camper 25
Carfax 117-118
Caribbean Tan 42
Carlos Jacano 50-51
Carlton Centre 120
Carlton Hair 36-37
Carrol Boyes Functional Art
Carstens, Arno 73
Carvers Restaurant 80
Casalinga 72
Catz Pyjamas 101,102
CD Wherehouse 191
Cento Valle 71
ceramics 62
Charlesleigh Furnishers
178, 179
The Cheese Factory Shop
Cheese Gourmet & Taste
of Japan 1.36
The Chef 151
Chefettes 160
Chefs Table 161
China City 100
China Moon 111
The Chinese Martial Arts &
Health Centre 52
Ching in Dumplings 100
Chocolat de Belgique 141
The Chocolate Den 142
Cnon Hin 101
Chrissie's 42
Cilantro 998
Cinema Nouveau 119
Circle Restaurant and
Champagne Bar 78-79
CJ Chinese Supermarket
Clark, Rosemary 57
Classics and All That Jazz 191
dive Rundle 15
Clyde on Fourth 180-181
CNA 187
Cnr Cafe 76
The Godfather 81
Col'Cacchio Pizzeria 90
Collectables and Collectable
Books 181
Fashion Depot 23-24
The Fashion District 15
Fassler, Marianne 17, 32
fencing 51
The Firs 29, 43, 80, 112
Fisherman's Deli 159
The Fisherman's Plate 81
The Flower Spot 163
Food On The Move 161
The Forequarter 82-83
Foschini 23
Fournos 152
Foul-ways Crossing 44,
149, 179
FourwaysMall 11, 16,26,
49, 187
Fox lounge at Tony's 108
Franchise 124
Francois & Lille 16
Franco's 90-91
Frankly Speaking 30
Franz Grabe Flower Couture
The French Shop 22
Fruit & Roots 146
Fuel 112
Full Stop 104
Future Classics 169
Gallery @157 124
Gallery MOMO 124
Gallery on the Square 125
Gandolph's Books 188
Gardels 53
Garden Village Market 146
Garden World 166, 167
Gatriles 77-78
Geldhof Chocolatier 142
Gently Worn 172, 173
George's on 4th 75
Geri 10
Gertrude Posel Art Gallery 125
Ghazals 94
Giles 73
Gilles Botbyl Latitudes 175
Giovanni's 91
Glendower Shopping Centre
Collingwood Antiques 178, 179
Diesel Outlet 20
The Colony 40
Dish 177, 178
The Colony Body Clinic 40
DJ's Bar Lounge 108
The Colour Bar 111-112
DJ's (kosher food) 144
Colourful Splendour 166, 167
Doppio Zero 152
Confection Direction 142
The Drum Cafe 119
Congo Joe 30
Dunkeld Fruiterers & Flowers
Constitution Hill 128
Cool Runnings 107
Dunkeld West Shopping Centre
Come Delicatessen 136
92, 152,159, 16,3
Cornuti 90
Cornuti in the Cradle 72
Crabtree & Evelyn 35
Early Dawn Shopping Centre
Cradle of Humankind 72, 121
Cramerview Village Shopping
Earthcote 177, 178
Centre 69, 89
Eastgate Centre 11, 16, 26,
Cranks 96
Cream 20
East Rand Mall 26
Creative Life/Infusion Radio
Easy Spice Indian Emporium
and Deli 140
Creative Process Therapy
Eco Cafe Whole Food Cuizine 82
Eddie Jardine 53
Cremelat Cheese 143, 146
Edelweiss Dance Club 50
Cremona 143
Edgars 23
Cresta Shopping Centre 15,
Elegant Dry Cleaners 32
Elita 21
Eloff, Michelle 61
Emmarentia Centre 175
Dance Factory 130
Envy 169
dancing 50, 51, 53
Espresso 104
Darrenwood Cash Butchery
Essence Beauty & Skin Centre 42
Estoril Books 187
Daruma 86
Eternal Health and Beauty
David Webb Wholesale
Clinic 42
Nursery 166, 167
Europa Art Online 26
Dean Jones 55
Everard Read Gallery 124
Decade 181
Exclusive Books 186
De Klerk's Coppersmith 177-178
Exclusive Dry Cleaners 32
De la Creme 151
The Executive Concierge 34
De la Haye 37
Express Butchers 155
Delft Butchery & Delicatessen
Exquisite Tastes 137
Eye Candy 25
Deli Diner 136-137
Deli One Delicatessen 137
Delta Park 120
Fabled Food 161
Deluxe 74, 75
The Fairlawns 72-73
Department Store 27
The Fairlawns Hotel & Spa
Design District 15, 168, 170
Diesel 10
Fairmount 32
Fashion Depot 23-24
The Fashion District 15
Fassler, Marianne 17, 32
fencing 51
The Firs 29, 43, 80, 112
Fisherman's Deli 159
The fisherman's Plate 81
The Flower Spot 163
Food On The Move 161
The Forequarter 82-83
Foschini 23
Fournos 152
Fourways Crossing 44,
Fourways Mall 11, 16, 26,
49, 187
Fox lounge at Tony's 108
Franchise 124
Francois & Lille 16
Franco's 90-91
Frankly Speaking 30
Franz Grabe Flower Couture
The French Shop 22
Fruit & Roots 146
Fuel 112
Full Stop 104
Future Classics 169
Gallery @157 124
Gallery MOMO 124
Gallery on the Square 125
Gandolph's Books 188
Gardels 53
Garden Village Market 146
Garden World 166, 167
Gatriles 77-78
Geldhof Chocolatier 142
Gently Worn 172, 173
George's on 4th 75
Geri 10
Gertrude Posel Art Gallery 125
Ghazals 94
Giles 73
Gilles Botbyl Latitudes 175
Giovanni's 91
Glendower Shopping Centre
Global Antiques 179
The Globe Theatre 130
Gloss 164
Godiva Chocolatier 142
Gold Reef City Casino 130
golf 49
Goodman Gallery 125
Graasroots 82
Gramadoelas 85
Grand and Grotty 181
Grayston Shopping Centre
Grayston Wholesale & Retail
Great lengths 37
Greenside Antiques 178-179
The Grillhouse 80
Gucd 10
Guess 11
Haarhoff, Dorian 62
Hadeda 173
The Hair Shop 37
Halogen International 183
Hamlet's Books 189
Hasya Yoga 55
Hatfield Bakery 152
Head Interiors 169
Health Works 147
Hector Petersen Memorial
Museum 128-129
Hedwig's Restaurant 71
Helta Skelta 16
Hilton Weiner Basics 16
Hilton Weiner Plain 16
Hip Hop 16
Hi-Tech Video 190
Hobart Shopping Centre
Hodges 67, 68
Holstein Meats 155
Homage 169-170
Hombu Dojo 52
Home Fabrics 183
Home Made Delights 152
The Horror Cafe 115
Hosiahsson, Elaine 58
Hospice Clothing Shop 28
The Hospice Furniture
Store 181
Hot Ice 21
House of Bonne Cuisine l6l
Hoy P'loy 165
The Hyatt 108
Hyde Park Corner 10,11,12,13,
14,15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26,
27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37,
41,68,81, 100,102,103,141,
143,147,149, 164,170,172
ice skating 51
Ichiban Japanese Restaurant 87
Icon 79
Illovo Post Office Centre 89,151
Illovo Square 11,13, 22, 86, 91
Impala Fruiterers 145
Impala Meat Market 156
INK Interiors 170
InSpace 176,177
Janis Dorfman Spinning
Centre 47
Java Plantation Store 175
JB Rivers 101-102
JB's Corner 101-102
Jenni Button 16
Jenny Gifford 177-178
Jeremy Stephen Antiques 179
Jewel Bar 109
Jewel of the Nile 50
Joffee, Jean 62
Johannesburg Art Gallery 125
The Johannesburg Botanical
Gardens 120
Johannesburg Civic Theatre
The Johannesburg Zoo 120-121
Judith Lee's Bordeaux Wines 149
Just* 17
Just Georgies 37-38
Kapitan's Oriental Restaurant 94
Kaplan,Ivan 61
Karma 93
Karma Nirvana 93
Karma Petit 93
Katzy's 112
Kees Beyers Chocolates
Keith Kirsten's Nursery
Key West Shopping Mall
Kilimanjaro 115
Killarney Mall 30,103
Kirn Sacks Gallery 125-126
Kitsch+Kool 30
Koljander 152
Komatie Butchery 156
Krems 26
Kritsos, Niki 58
Kryolan 35
Kwality Spices 140
la Belle Terrace & Loggia 70
La Campagnola 137
La Cucina di Giro 89
Lady of America 47
La Grange Interiors 170
Lapa Fo 73,175
La Patisserie 150-151
Las Brasas 92
La Senza 22
Laser Derm 43
La Suite 88, 89
Laura Biagotti 11
Lava Lounge at the Groove
Bar 109
Le Corset 22
Leonida's 143
Leopard Frock 17
Le Petit Cafe 85
Levingers 32
Levi Store 11
Lexi Kriel 161
Liberty Theatre on the
Square 131
Life 76,160,170
The Lifestyle Centre 41,
63, 138
Lifestyle Nursery 166,167
Light Years 181
L'il Gujarat 94
Ulith Boutique 11
linger Longer 69
linksfield Nursery 166,167
Livingstones Garden Warehouse
Loads of Living 170-171
Look & Listen 191
Lotta's Pine 184
Louis Vuitton 11-12
The Lounge 112
The Lounge Warehouse 184
LSD 12
Lucky Fish 176, 177
Lunar 17
Lynnwood Dry Cleaners 33
M&A 67, 68
MAC 35-36
Magic Muffins 153
Make Up Forever 36
Makro (Woodmead) 149
Malachites 98
Malcolm Dorfman Karate
Centre 51
The Mall of Rosebank 9,14,
20,21, 27, 29, 33, 35,39,
The Mandela Museum 129
Mango 24
Mareelle's 33
Marcel's Frozen Yoghurt 141
Marc and Michael 17
Mare-e-Sol Restaurant 99-100
Marion & lindie 17
The Market Place Natural
Foods Deli 138
Market Theatre Precinct 85, 86
Marrakech 43
martial arts 51-52, 53
The Marung Restaurant 119
Mastrantonio's 91
Matis & OFRA 43
MaxMara 12
Mayfair Wallpaper 176-177
The Meat Company 80
Meat on Grant 156
Mediterranean Fish Centre 159
Melrose Arch 10, 49, 80, 86,
Meltz Mega Factory Store 24
Melville Koppies 121
Melville Spin Studio 47
Memphis Desirables 182
Men Xposed 22
Merely Mortal 126
Metropolitan Cosmetics 36
The Mews 40, 191
Michael Mount Organic Market
Michelangelo Hotel 47, 86,103
MojaModern 126
Money Coaching Foundation 59
Monkey Fountain 166,167
Montecasino 10, 63, 80, 88,
99, 131
Montpellier de Tulbagh 88, 89
Morgan 21
Morning Glen Shopping
Centre 148
Mo's 113
Moti International Health
and Beauty Hydro 44
Moving into Dance 51
Moyo 85-96,129, 130
Mr Price Homestore 183-184
Mugg & Bean 105
Mullers Fine Oriental Rugs 33
Multiflora Flower Market 164
Muse 175
MuseuMAfricA 129
The Museum Store 182
Musica 191
The Muti Gallery 126
Mutual Gardens 15, 85
Mutual Square 15,18, 30,
Mutual Village 12,153
Naiker, Kerishnie 37
Nando's 83
Natalie & Larry Designs 177
Natali Tasic 44
Natural Bread 153
Nelson Mandela Square 9,10,
19,20.21, 22, 24,26,27, 37,
76, 80, 94,95,110, 125, 131,
New 88 109
New Delhi 95
News Cafe 105, 131
Newtown Cultural Precinct
123, 130
Nia at Planet Fitness 55
Nicci 21
Nicolway Centre 82
Nina Roche 26
NinetySix 113
Nine West 26
Norman Goodfellow's 149-150
Northgate Shopping Mall 51
North Park Centre 171,188,190
Norwood Boot and Shoe 33
Nu Leaf Nursery 167
Nussbaums Kosher Butchery 156
The Nut Lady 147
Oaklands Butchery 156
Oaklands Farm Supply 145
Oaklands Garage 105,144
Oaklands Shopping Centre
O'Crumbs 138
Oli By Golly 184
On the Square 83
The Optical Centre 25
Organic Life 147
The Oriental Plaza 33,175
Osteria Tre Nonni 91
Out of Print 189
Paddy Gibb Flowers To Go
Palazzo Pitti 26
Parkhurst Organic Foods 147
Parkhurst Recreation Centre 53
The Park Hyatt Gym 47
The Park Hyatt Hotel 42,
47, 70,108
Parkmore Field and Study
Centre Market 136
Parkmore Mews 153
Paula Blacking Cooking School
Peppercorn Catering & Function
Co-ordinators 162
The Perfect Cup 105
Petervale Centre 157
PhotoZa 127
Piccola Prima Donna 91-92
Pickwicks Books 189
Piece 29
Pieter Toerien Theatre 131
Pilates Gyrotonics Centre 48
Plaka Taverna 98
The Planetaium 119,120
Planet Fitness 48, 55
Polatinsky, Melanie 60
Polo Lounge @ The Westcliff
Hotel 70, 109
pottery 62
The Premises 127
Preview 27
Primi Piatti 102
Primi Studio 113
Princesse Tam-Tam 22
Pringle Scotland 12
Pulsate 22
Pure Touch 44
Qigong 55
Quuintessence 153
The Radium Beerhall 114
Rags & Lace 28
Randhof Shopping Centre 84
Random Harvest 167
RB's Theatre of Food 138
Red Chamber 100
Red Lorry 178
Reformhaus 147-148
Regent's Place 22, 25, 26
Rembrandt Slaghuis 157
Reminiscene 28
Resties Butchery see Struwes
Reuben's 144
Riverside Fruit & Flower Market
Riverside Shopping Centre
118, 145
Rivonia Junction Centre 95, 115
Rivonia Square 80
Robin Christie 52
Robot 22
The Rock 118
Rosebank Rooftop Market
29,143,171, 173
Rosholt, Brigitte 58
Rubicon Bohemian Cache 88-89
Ruby in the Dust 24-25
Ruby Sushi 76-77
Sabbioni, Roberta 60
Sacha Cosmetics 36
Safeways Fairmount Spar 144
Saigon 95
Saints 118
Saint Verde 171
Sakhumzi 109
Sakhura Sushi 87
Salamufico Fama Prosciuttificio
Samba 113
Samba Restaurant & Lounge 92
Sambusa Health Club 48
Sam Hackney's Boutique Wines
Sandton Butchery 157
Sandton City 10, 11. 12. 14,
15,16,17, 21. 22, 24. 25, 26,
27, 30, 31, 35. 36, 48,86,
102,103,142, 171, 173,191
Sandton Home Industry 153
Sanf Anna 92
Santos 171
The Saxon 69
The Saxon Hotel 44, 69
Scala Market Garden 145
Schnehage, Joan 59
Schwaben Butchery 157
Searll, Jonti 60
Seattle Coffee Co. 105-106,186
Sebo Dri-Matic Corp 33
Seemans 151, 157-158
Senses 165
The Service Station 67-68,
Shalimar Delights 140
Shapiro, Anthony 62, 174
Sharon Glass 63
Sheldon, Brian 59-60
Shelley Geffen 162
Shinzou Day Spa 44
Shirine Dudhia 162
Shirley's Deli & Bakery 144
Shoukara 115
The Showcase 131
Sika Lame 98
Silk & Cotton Company 183
The Singing Fig 74-75
Sir Juice 148
Sister Bucks 18
Sivananda Yoga Centre 55
skiing 52-53
S.K.I.N. 45
Skin Sense Day Spa 45
Skyline Tailors 33
Sloane Meat Market 158
The Snow Skiing Centre 53
Socrati 27
Sofisticlean 33
The Songwriters' Club 116
Sound Stage Supper
Theatre 131
South African Ballet
Theatre 50
Spa Afrique 45
The Space 18
Spark! The Gallery 127
Sparrow, Philippa 61
Spilhaus 31
Spinn Zone Studio 48
Spiros Cafe 73
Stan & Pete 162
The Standard Bank Gallery 127
Statement 110
Steam 102
Steffanie's 68
Stemulate 165
Sterkfontein Caves 121
Stoned Cherrie 18
Stonehaven Farm 158
Stott Pilates Centre 48-49
Strangelove 18
Strip 19
Struwes Meat 158
Studio 8 The Origin 12
Studio de Beaute 45-46
Stuttafords 23
Suan Thai 96
Sublime 118
Su Da Da Dine Bar 116
Sun Godd'ess 19
Sunninghill Park 90
Super Sconto 68,138
Susan Hughes Interiors
Swahili 74, 75
Swallows Inn Chinese
Restaurant 101
Swoon 29,31
Taboo 116
Take it for Granted 182
Tangles 38
Tantra 96-97
Tanz Cafe 118
Tarquino Bake 92
The Tart 162
tennis 53
Terenzo Hair 38
That's It! 12
Thea Kreft 54
Thrupps Gifts and Home
Store 31
Thrupps Grocer and Whole
Food Emporium 138-139
Thrupps Illovo Centre 31,
Thyme Out 106
Tinker Town 182
Tokyo Star 110
Toni 106
Tonic 168
Top of Africa/Carlton
Panorama 119
Tortellini D'Oro 139
Trade Roots 175-176
Trading Spaces 171
Treasure Trove 179
Trevor's 158
Trilogy 39
Tripoli's on 5th 83
Troyeville Restaurant AKA
Flamingo 99
True Karoo 158
Truworths 2.3
TsAfrika Restaurant and
Take-away 84
Turtle Creek Winery 110
The Tyshler School of
Fencing 51
Union Tower Centre 142
United Butchers 159
Vajrapani Buddhist Centre 59
Vanilla 153
Vanilla House Interiors 176
Velskoen Drive-ln 121
Verona Day Spa 46
Vicky Crease 160
The Video Shop 190
The Video Spot 190
Villa Battista 39
Village Walk Shopping Centre
82, 95, 111, 114, 1.36, 152
Virgin Active 49
Virgin Classic 49
Virgin Cosmetics 46
Walter Sisulu National Botanical
Gardens 121-122
Wandie's Place 84
Wangthai 95
Warren Siebrits Modern and
Contemporary Art 127
Wayne Sampson's Salon 39
The Wedge Shopping Centre
41, 48, 92, 135,137, 150
Well Spring 56
Wensleydale Farms 148
Westcliff Hotel 70, 109
Wetherly's 184-185
Weylandts 185
White Boy Shebeen 78
Who Zoo 116-117
Wickedfood Cooking School
Wiehahn Ludick Floral
Designs 165
Wild Olive Food Store 139
Willoughby & Co 81
Wine+ 150
Wine on the Square 110
The Wine Room 150
The Wits Theatre 131
Wizard Midas 33
Wizards Gallery 13
Wombles 71
Woolwonhs 23, 106,145-146
The Works 46
writing courses 62
XaiXai 110-111
Yamato 87
The Yard 165
YDE - The Young Designers
Emporium 19
Yesteryear 182
yoga 54-56
The Yoga Room 56
Yo Sushi 87-88
The Young Designers
Emporium 19
Y-Shoppe 19
Yum 69
Zafferano 69-70
Zanzi Trading 176
Zenbu 88
Zero Degrees 24
Zietsies 73-74
The Zone @ Rosebank 16,
18,19, 26, 29.38.102,
The Zoo Lake 122
Zoom 27
Zuva Gallery 128