Seven Letters. HIV/AIDS Stories from Namibian Children

Seven Letters tells the stories of Namibian children infected by or in conflict with HIV/AIDS.
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Book title: Seven Letters. HIV/AIDS Stories from Namibian Children
Editor: Dorian Haarhoff
Publisher: Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Basel, Switzerland 2006
ISBN 978-3-905758-01-6
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 95 pages, illustrations


During writing workshops led by Dorian Haarhoff at the Windhoek College of Education, teachers in training were taught writing skills. The student teachers, during the course of their practice teaching, encouraged children to write their stories.

This volume features some of these stories. In one story parents name their seven children after the seven deadly letters – HIV/AIDS. Other stories show the human range of responses to the ‘killer insect’ – loss, death, suicide, yet also courage, resilience and hope.

Dorian Haarhoff is a writer and a former teacher-trainer and Professor of English at the University of Namibia. He has edited two previous Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) publications: Personal Memories: Namibian Texts in Process (1996) and The Inner Eye: Namibian Poetry in Process (1997).

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