Africa's Wild Dogs: A Survival Story

Africa's Wild Dogs - A Survival Story is a photographic celebration of one of Africa's most charismatic but neglected predators.
Kagan, Jocelin
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Title: Africa's Wild Dogs
Subtitle: A Survival Story
Author: Jocelin Kagan
Publisher: Merlin Unwin Books
Ludlow, Shropshire, United Kingdom 2020
ISBN 9781913159191 / ISBN 978-1-91-315919-1
Hardcover, dustjacket, 30 x 27 cm, 224 pages, throughout colour photographs

About: Africa's Wild Dogs: A Survival Story

Africa's Wild Dogs - A Survival Story is a 224-page photographic celebration of one of the continent's most charismatic but neglected predators. Photographer and author Jocelin Kagan has made it her personal mission to bring the extraordinary lives of these often misunderstood and maligned animals into the spotlight with her vivid photographs and intimate storytelling.

Her aim is to support those organisations already working in the field to safeguard the remaining but dwindling populations of wild dogs, as few as 6,600 spread across southern Africa, with her foundation, Africa's Wild Dog Survival Fund. Over 200 million viewers watched the BBC's Dynasties series which featured African wild dogs in the episode Painted Wolves, narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

The Executive Producer was Mike Gunton. Known by a variety of names - African painted dog, Cape hunting dog and painted wolf - the dogs deserve recognition and a future. Jocelin invites you to join her and relive the endless stream of daily delights, frustrations, shared sadnesses and elated joys she has witnessed on the plains of Africa.

Jocelin Kagan's passion for wildlife crystallised when she saw her first wild dog in 2010. 'It was love at first sight'. Since then, Jocelin has been photographing and tracking wild dogs in Mana Pools Zimbabwe, Timbavati South Africa, Selous Game Reserve Tanzania and in Botswana. Appalled at the low numbers surviving Jocelin Kagan has embarked on an ambitious undertaking to make known the plight of this most successful strategist of all predators.

Through the publication of Africa's Wild Dogs - A Survival Story, a social media campaign and a global auction - Jocelin Kagan is raising funds for existing conservation organisations to educate local populations, to collar, innoculate, track, bring together breakaway packs and to re-populate areas where dogs once roamed. She holds a Henley Management College MBA, is the published author of four books, an educator and a public speaker.