Namibia: The Sacred Trust of Civilization - Ideal and Reality, Volume 1

Bryan O’Linn, a giant on the Namibian legal scene over the past fifty years, wrote this volume 1 on the ideal and reality of the so-called sacred trust of civilization.
O’Linn, Bryan
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Book title: Namibia: The Sacred Trust of Civilization - Ideal and Reality, Volume 1
Author: Bryan O’Linn
Pollination Publishers
Namibia; Windhoek, 2010
ISBN 9789994562794
Hardcover, 18x24 cm, 402 pages, several bw-photos


Lawyer Bryan O’Linn, a giant on the Namibian legal scene over the past fifty years, wrote this volume 1 on the ideal and reality of the so-called sacred trust of civilization. The table of content speaks for itself:

The period 1919 – 1945
The main features of South West Africa administered under the League of Nations mandate
The period 1946 – 1966
South Africa’s confrontation with the United Nations organization and the escalation on all fronts of the struggle for self-determination and internationally recognised independence
Developments from 1966 – 1977
“Grand Apartheid”, “Separate Development” and other traumatic events underline the need to defuse the crisis
The period 1976 – 1986
A dramatic turn of events
The period 1966 – 1989
A review of the freedom struggle as reflected in the courts of law
New internal pressure groups for the maintenance of the rule of law and the implementation of the peace plan
The end of the armed struggle – or so it seemed!
The final stretch towards independence
The judicial commission for the prevention and combating of intimidation and election malpractices (also known as “The O’Linn Commission”)
The election results
The constituent assembly and the Namibian Constitution
Uhuru – at last!