Grasses of South West Africa/Namibia

This rare first edition of Grasses of South West Africa / Namibia was first published in 1984.
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Title: Grasses of South West Africa/Namibia
Author: M.A.N. Müller
Illustrator: Willy Giess
Drawings: Blythe Loutit
Publisher: Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Agriculture and Nature Conservation
Windhoek, South West Africa/Namibia 1984
ISBN 086976201 / ISBN 0-86976-201
Original softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 286 pages, throughout b/w drawings


Good. Minor traces of usage. Existing addendum.

About: Grasses of South West Africa/Namibia

With an expected world population of 6000 million people by the year 2000, the value of our natural heritage and the importance of a sound ecological balance cannot be overemphasised. The ever-increasing world population results in large areas of indigenous vegetation being sacrificed to allow for extension of cultivable agricultural lands, as well as for urban and industrial development. Consequently some of our indigenous plant species have already been lost, while many more face the threat of extinction. It is sometimes said that South West Africa / Namibia is privileged in still having extensive areas of undeveloped land for future generations. This claim is not entirely realistic as approximately 50% of the surface area of this country has a rainfall of less than 250 mm per year, and as such can be classified as desert and semi-desert, areas where the feasibility of even a small population making a living is very low.

As agriculture, largely based on indigenous vegetation, forms the backbone of the economy of this country, it is of primary importance that those involved in this activity should have some basic knowledge of the vegetation. As it is not practical to expect every individual to be familiar with every species of plant, this publication attempts to make some of the economically important grasses better known. Grasses make up 12,5% of the total indigenous vegetation of South West Africa/Namibia. Some of the climax and sub-climax grasses which are described here have almost totally disappeared from parts of our country as a result of poor management and over-exploitation. It is hoped that the knowledge that is made available to the general public through this publication will help to preserve our valuable green heritage for posterity.

Content: Grasses of South West Africa/Namibia

Part I: Vegetation Types
Synopsis of vegetation types of S.W.A./Namibia
Fig. 1. Vegetation Map of S.W.A./Namibia
Northern Namib (Fig. 2)
Central Namib (Fig. 3 & 4)
Southern Namib (Fig. 5)
Desert and Succulent Steppe (Fig. 6)
Saline Desert with Dwarf Shrub Savanna Fringe (Fig. 7)
Semi-desert and Savanna Transition Zone (Fig. 8 & 9)
Mopane Savanna (Fig. 10 & 11)
Mountain Savanna and Karstveld (Fig. 12)
Thornbush Savanna (Fig. 13)
Highland Savanna (Fig. 14)
Dwarf Shrub Savanna (Fig. 15)
Camelthorn Savanna (Fig. 16)
Mixed Tree and Shrub Savanna (Southern Kalahari) (Fig. 17)
Tree Savanna and Woodland (Northern Kalahari) (Fig. 18)
Riverine Woodland (Fig. 19)
Part II: Grasses
Fig. 20 — Line drawing to illustrate characteristics of the grass family
Glossary of botanical terms
Simple key to the relevant grass genera
Advanced key to the relevant grass genera.
Fig. 21 South West Africa/Namibia: Division of Districts
Description of grass species
List of Sources
INDEX of Botanical names (Of Part II only)
INDEX of Common names (English, Afrikaans, German) (Of Part II only)

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