Title: Field Guide to the Frogs & other Amphibians of Africa
Authors: Alan Charming; Mark-Oliver Rödel
Publisher: Penguin Random House South Africa
Imprint: Struik Nature
Cape Town, South Africa 2019
ISBN 9781775845126 / ISBN 978-1-77-584512-6
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 407 pages, throughout colour photos
The Field Guide to the Frogs & other Amphibians of Africa is the first comprehensive guide to amphibian African species, 788 frogs, 23 caecilians and 4 Salamanders. It includes an introduction that offers tips on handling and identifying amphibians, and an illustrated guide to each species group, which serves as a first step towards species ID. Species accounts describe physical features, distribution, habitat, biology, advertisement calls and conservation status of each amphibian, and are supported by colour photographs and up-to-date distribution maps.
Breeding and development
Amphibians as prey and predators
Distribution and habitat
Finding and handling amphibians
Arrangement of the book
How to identify an amphibian
Photographic guide to groups
African Caecilians
Boulengerula, Herpele)
Buried-eyed Caecilians (Crotaphatrema, Scolecomorphus)
Tropical African Caecilians (Schistometopum, Geotrypetes)
Indo-African Caecilians (Sylvacaecilia, Idiocranium)
Newts and salamanders
Midwife Toads (Alytes)
Painted Frogs (Discoglossus)
Dwarf Clawed Frogs (Hymenochirus, Pseudhymenochlrus)
Clawed Frogs (Xenopus)
Ghost Frogs
Hadromophryne (Heleophryne)
Common Toads (Barbarophryne,
Bufo, Bufotes Sderophrys)
Van Dijk's Toads (Vandijkophrynus)
Pygmy Toads (Poyntonophrynus)
Red Toads (Schismaderma)
Alpine Toads Altiphrynoides)
Mountain Toad lets (Capensibufo)
Forest Toads (Mertensophryne)
Metallic Toads Churamiti)
Tree Toads (Nectophryne)
Dwarf Toads (Didynamipus)
Forest Tree Toads (Wolterstorffina)
Parker's Tree Toads (Laurentophryne)
Torrent Toads (Werneria)
Nimba Toads (Nimbaphrynoides)
Viviparous Toads (Nectophrynoides)
Rubber Frogs (Phrynomantis)
Three-fingered Frogs (Hoplophryne)
Black-banded Frogs (Parhoplophryne)
Piglet Frogs (Hemisus)
Rain Frogs (Breviceps, Balebreviceps)
Forest Frogs (Probreviceps)
Cave Frogs (Spelaeophryne)
Warty Frogs (Callulina)
Spiny Frogs (Acanthixalus)
Wot-Wots (Phlyctimantis)
Running Frogs
Kassina (Semnodactylus)
Clicking Frogs (Kassinula)
Mountain Kassinas (Paracassina)
Green-eyed Frogs (Cryptothylax)
Copper Frogs Chrysobatrachus)
Painted Frogs (Callixalus)
Blue-Eyed Frogs (Morerella)
Orange Frogs (Opisthothylax)
Spiny Reed Frogs (Afrixalus)
Harlequin Frogs (Arlequinus)
Egg-guarding Frogs (Alexteroon)
Reed Frogs (Hyperolius)
Foam-nest Frogs (Chiromantis)
Northern Tree Frogs (Hyla)
Tree Frogs (Leptopelis)
Night Frogs (Astylosternus)
Cat-eyed Frogs (Nyctibates)
Gabon Forest Frogs (Scotobleps)
Hairy Frogs (Trichobatrachus)
Long-fingered Frogs (Cardioglossa)
Egg Frogs (Leptodactylodon)
Squeakers (Arthroleptis)
Puddle Frogs (Phrynobatrachus)
Toothed Frogs (Odontobatrachus)
Bale Mountain Frogs (Ericabatrachus)
Torrent Frogs (Arthroleptides, Petropedetes)
Ornate Frogs (Hildebrandtia)
Lanza's Frogs (Lanzarana)
Grass Frogs (Ptychadena)
Giant Frogs (Conraua)
Tiger Frogs (Hoplobatrachus)
Fishing Frogs (Aubria)
River Frogs (Amietia)
Stream Frogs (Strongylopus)
Chirping Frogs (Anhydrophryne)
Moss Frogs (Arthroleptella)
Dainty Frogs (Cacosternum)
Micro Frogs (Microbatrachella)
Kloof Frogs (Natalobatrachus)
Mongrel Frogs (Nothophryne)
Marsh Frogs (Poyntonia)
Bullfrogs (Pyxicephalus)
Sand Frogs (Tomopterna)
Spadefoot Toads (Pelobates)
Green Frogs (Pelophylax)
White-lipped Frogs (Amnirana)
Further reading
Index to scientific names
Index to common names
Political map of Africa