Title: Executive Outcomes
Subtitle: Against all Odds
Author: Eeben Barlow
Editor: Marisa Robson
Genre: War memoires
Publisher: 30 Degrees South Publishers (Pty) Ltd.
2nd, revised edition. Johannesburg, South Africa 2018
ISBN 9781928359050 / ISBN 978-1-928359-05-0
Softcover, 15 x 23 cm, 770 pages, 200 b/w photos, illustrations and maps
This revised edition of the fascinating book Executive Outcomes, published by 30° South Publishers (Pty) Ltd in 2018, has been updated in so many regards that it appears to be all new. The author, a former South African Special Forces Officer and founder of the Private Military Company (PMC) Executive Outcomes, acting in various war zones, weaves his rich personal experience as a professional elite soldier, civil cooperator and freelance trouble shooter with descriptions of how his business has been tied to impacts of international and national politics and organisations, informal powers, to warfare and operations on the African coninent. And, in return, how his interaction in crisis and former no-go areas would influence politicans, interest associations, secret services, media and the public opinion. Subsequently, desinformation, intrigues, double play and unrestrained lies have been accompanying Eeben Barlow over decades, giving him reason to set the record straight with a revised edition of Executive Outcomes which has been cross checked by numerous significant contemporary wittnesses. His war memoires read like an incident book that contains the sweet and sour of what was arguably one of the world's most controversial yet efficient private military companies, Executive Outcomes. They never invaded another country and followed their own policy of client selection to the letter and never betrayed the governments they worked for.
Author's Introduction
In the Beginning
Ambush at Cahama
Spy with My Little Eye
My Life as a 'Civil Cooperator'
Rising from the Dust
Angola: Torn Apart by War
A Little Town Called Soyo
Battle for Soyo and Surrounds
The Investigation
A Brief Respite
Planning for Victory
Preparing for War on Several Fronts
Planning the Redeployment of Forces
The Start of the 1994 Offensive
The Beginning of the End
UNITA Attack Saurimo
Prelude to Cafunfu
The Fall of Cafunfu
Tragedy in Lunda Norte Province
The War Continues
Staggering towards Peace
Angola Returns to War
Epilogue to the Angolan War: Blood Diamonds and Blood Money
The Tragedy of Sierra Leone
Help us Save Sierra Leone
Move to Mile 91
The Relief of Freetown
Retaking the Koitu Diamoond Fields
Dominating Koidu and the Kono District
A Change of Government in Sierra Leone
Leaving Sierra Leone
Enter the United Nations
Illegal Support to RUF Rebels and Breaches of UN Resolutions by South Africa, Israel and Liberia
Taking and Releasing Hostages in Sierra Leone
An Assassination to Order
Rescue in Irian Jaya
Executive Outcomes: The Great Lakes Myth
The United Nations Investigates
The Not So Mysterious Dr Schultz
The Papua New Guinea Fiasco
Executive Outcomes at IDEX '97
Blowing the Lid off Past Operations
Saudi Arabia
Leaving What I Had Started
The Disinformation War
The Sting of the Scorpion
Betrayal, Closure and Aftermath
The Rewards of Disinformation
Looking Back in 2017
Executive Outcomes: Roll of Honour
Appendix A: The Corporation's Mission
Appendix B: Counting the cost
Appendix C: Companies associated with Executive Outcomes