Esther's House

Esther’s House is a South African story of greed, power, and the fight for what is right when good people are pushed too far.
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Title: Esther's House
Author: Carol Campbell
Genre: Novel
Publisher: Random House Struik
Imprint: Umuzi
Cape Town, South Africa 2014
ISBN 9781415207406 / ISBN 978-1-4152-0740-6
Softcover, 15 x 22 cm, 224 pages


Esther’s House is a story on how the poorest and most defenceless in South Africa's society, mostly the old, the woman and children, are set back by nepotism, corruption and tribalism. Esther, after she had been waiting patientely for many years to rank up in the application list for a very basic RDP house in the Oudtshoorn area, picks up the fight after beeing been cheated out of her rights too often. Together with a friend she occupies an uninhabited house after her shack has burnt down.

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