Back to Angola

This travel report is partly about Paul Morris's experiences as a soldier of the SADF in Angola in 1987 and his travel back to Angola in 2012.
Morris, Paul
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Title: Back to Angola
Subtitle: A journey from war to peace
Author: Paul Morris
Publisher: Random House Struik
Imprint: Zebra Press
Cape Town, South Africa 2014
ISBN 9781770225510 / ISBN 978-1-77022-551-0
Original softcover, 15 x 23 cm, 288 pages, several colour photographs


Good. Minor traces of usage. Tidy inside.

About: Back to Angola

Back to Angola is partly about Paul Morris's experiences as a conscript soldier in Angola in 1987. Some of it was recorded in the bush in grubby notebooks, but mostly it was burned into his mind during those intense and terrifying days of war. As a remembered story that has been filtered through more than two and a half decades of life, its meaning has been moulded over time, changed by so many experiences, so much learning and personal growth. The events he relates here all happened. Though others may remember them differently, this is his truth. This book reflects how the author has made meaning of those events. It records his own personal journey to understand his involvement in the border war. Back to Angola is not a work of military history. Morris has related a selection of stories from the war to highlight his need to return. This book also tells the happier story of his return to Angola a quarter of a century after the bush war and reflects the end of a lifetime's journey of coming to terms with the war.

Content: Back to Angola

Map: Southern Angola and Northern Namibia
Setting out from Cuito
Planning a Slow Journey
Pushing to the Border
The Reluctant Conscript
Stories of War
Arriving in Cuito Cuanavale
Kindness on the Road of Death
Optimism Crushed
A Difficult Past
Border Crossing
The Cleansing Road
First Contact
Growing Boys into Men
Convalescing in Kuvango
Anywhere But Here
Remapping Angola
Leaving the War Behind
The Road to Lubango
Battle on the Lomba River
On Trauma
Good Men Crack
The Baobab
The Pull of the End
Goodbye Angola
Closing the Circle
Shadows of War
Translation of Afrikaans and Portuguese Dialogue
Further Reading

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