To Love One's Enemies. The work and life of Emily Hobhouse

To Love One's Enemies introduces work and life of Emily Hobhouse compiled from letters and writings, newspaper cuttings and official documents.
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Title: To Love One's Enemies
Subtitle: The work and life of Emily Hobhouse
Author: Jennifer Hobhouse Balme
Publisher: ibidem
Stuttgart, Germany 2012
ISBN 9783838203416 / ISBN 978-3-8382-0341-6
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 710 pages, many b/w photos


To Love One's Enemies is by way of being the history of the Concentration Camps in the Anglo Boer War, 1899-1902, telling what the British Army was trying to do to provide succour for the women and children whose farms they had burnt, and what Emily Hobhouse was doing to see that the conditions under which the people were forced to live were a great deal improved. In writing this Introduction to the 2nd Edition it is my hope that this book will reach every Afrikaner home. Times have changed since the original was published in 1993 and I realise things are very different now in South Africa. People can move around freely and people are not so isolated on the farms, but there are also new worries. This book honours the past. South Africans can feel proud that they produced so many fine, patient women who gave their lives for the freedom of their country. 'In dying,' Emily said with admiration, 'they never lost their souls.' This book is a tribute to their tenacity and to their beliefs. With the new books I am writing on Emily Hobhouse I have been greatly helped with translations from German, and by wonderful insights into the German Archives, by Dr. Birgit Seibold to whom I am eternally grateful. She has also written a doctoral thesis comparing Emily's Report on the Concentration Camps and that of the Ladies Commission sent out later by the British Government.

Content: To Love One's Enemies. The work and life of Emily Hobhouse

Photograph Acknowledgements
Background: England and South Africa
Emily Hobhouse - A Stoic in the Making
War Fever, Leonard, and the Liberal Opposition
The War, Stage One
A Plan in the Making
Cape Town
Bloemfontein Camp
The Southern Camps
More from Bloemfontein
Springfontein - Norvals Pont, First visit to Kimberlcy
Concerns in London; Cape Town to Mafeking
They called me too Sympathetic
The Distress Fund and Rowntree's Initiative
Emily's Initiative
As the Slops were Pulled
The Campaign and 'The Times'
Problems, 'The Times', News from the Transvaal
A Committee of Lady Visitors
A Long Tired Summer
A Decision to Return
Arrest and Deportation
Return Voyage and Concern at Home
A Question of Justice
The Ladies Commission and Milner's Initiative
Mostly Legal
Christmas and the New Year
So the Case Ends
The Brunt of the War and Where it Fell
A Bright Figure on a Sombre Background
Home Industries
Illness and Letters
Admidst a World War
To Love One's Enemies - Germany and After
In Conclusion - Their Great Friend
Appendix I; The Camps and their Administration
Appendix II: Stories
Under War Conditions,
The Journey
The Camps
The Coming of Peace