
Die Namibia Flora besteht aus erstaunlich vielen, oftmals hochangepaßten Pflanzen aller Art.

In absteigender Reihenfolge

Easy Guide to landscape design for the home owner

Landscape design for the home owner is an easy guide to most ‘first time garden’ situations and pitfalls and provides guidelines to alterations and changes in garden styles. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

A profile and atlas of the Cuvelai-Etosha basin

This atlas describes the main features of the Namibian part of the basin and provides an overview of the entire profile Owambo or Cuvelai-Etosha Basin. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Keith Kirsten's Garden Plants & Flowers

Keith Kirsten’s Garden Plants & Flowers is a compact directory of trees, shrubs and flowering plants that are ideal for growing in South African gardens. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Seltenheiten im Sortiment: Alternativen zu den Massenkulturen

Seltenheiten im Sortiment: Alternativen zu den Massenkulturen enthält 61 Pflanzenbeschreibungen und Kultur- wie Verwendungshinweise für südafrikanische Arten. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Guide to succulents of Southern Africa

Guide to Succulents of Southern Africa is an accessible, user-friendly guide to the identification of these increasingly popular plants. Mehr erfahren
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19,80 € *

Biodiversity in southern Africa

Biodiversity in southern Africa introduces to results of 10 years of joint research by South African, Namibian, and German institutions within the project “BIOTA Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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75,00 € *

Indigenous knowledge of Namibia

Examines the indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants in Namibia, indigenous foods, coping and response strategies in dealing with human-wildlife conflicts, floods, gender, climate change and the management of natural resources. Mehr erfahren
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49,95 € *

Journal 63-2015 (Namibia Scientific Society)

A scientific series published by the Namibia Scientific Society, this is the Journal Nr. 63 from 2015. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

Journal 62-2014 (Namibia Scientific Society / Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft)

A scientific series published by the Namibia Scientific Society, this is the Journal Volume 62 dating from 2014. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

Freshwater Life: A field guide to the plants and animals of southern Africa

Freshwater life, the first illustrated field guide of its kind for the wider southern African region, describes a vast range of plant and animal groups. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

My first book of Southern African seashore life

My first book of Southern African seashore life covers 58 sea creatures and plants that are likely to be found at the shore. Mehr erfahren
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14,80 € *

Guide to Trees Introduced into Southern Africa

Guide to Trees: Introduced into Southern Africa is an invaluable guide for landscapers, gardeners and all tree enthusiasts. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Medicinal, Poisonous, and Edible Plants in Namibia

This wonderful, large format guide describes 600 medicinal, poisonous, and edible plants in Namibia, and comes with 128 large drawings by author Eberhard von Koenen. Mehr erfahren
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47,00 € *

Grasses of Namibia

This is the updated and revised edition of the unique guide to grasses of Namibia that, first published in 1984, describes all species of grasses to be found in Namibia. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Wild Lithops

Wild Lithops features all 91 known species in their natural surroundings from a perspective of a field research in Namibia and South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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85,00 € *

Bäume und Sträucher des Etoscha-Nationalparks

Die örtlich vorkommenden Bäume und Sträucher des Etoscha-Nationalparks in Namibia sind in diesem wunderbar-zeitlosen Naturführer einzigartig dargestellt und beschrieben. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

A Guidebook to NamibRand Nature Reserve

This Guidebook to NamibRand Nature Reserve in Namibia enhances the visitor's experience and enjoyment in exploring this unique region. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Géologie, faune et flore de Namibie

Geologie, Faune et Flore de Namibie: Identifier et comprendre l'environnement namibien avec 22 site géologiques, 95 animaux et 38 plantes. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Guide to the properties and uses of Southern African wood

Guide to the properties and uses of Southern African Wood introduces to the characteristics, properties and uses of wood from 140 Southern African tree species. Mehr erfahren
Im April 2024 wieder lieferbar. Hier vorbestellen!
34,80 € *

Indigenous Healing Plants

This ethnobotanical plant guide introduces to the various uses of more than 140 indigenous plants of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Children in Etosha

Children in Etosha is a nicely made and well written children's book, suitable to children from 8 to 12 years old. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

An Expert's Guide to Finding the Animals in Etosha

The aim of An Expert's Guide to Finding the Animals in Etosha is to increase the possibilities of sighting game. Mehr erfahren
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19,80 € *

Wilde Natur in Namibia

Wilde Natur in Namibia: ein Bestimmungshandbuch für Säugetiere, Vögel, Reptilien, Wirbellose, Flora und Flechten in Namibia. Mehr erfahren
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22,80 € *

Wildlife of Namibia: A Photographic Guide

Wildlife of Namibia is an easy-to-use guide to Namibia’s most conspicuous and interesting mammals, birds, reptiles, invertebrates and plants. Mehr erfahren
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22,80 € *

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