
Südafrika Fiktion, klassische Südafrika Romane, Novellen und Erzählungen.

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Eric the Brave

Eric the Brave is a war novel on the bush war in North Namibia and Angola. Mehr erfahren
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17,80 € *


Switch is an sadomasochistic erotic novel put in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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16,80 € *

Karoo Dusk

In the style of a modern western, Johan Vlok Louw’s South Africa novel, Karoo Dusk, is filled with youth, cars and guns. Mehr erfahren
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17,80 € *

Pale Horses

Pale Horses is another crime novel with South African police inspector Jade de Jong. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *


Folly is readable and unusual boy-meets-girl novel, an entertaining story filled with suspense and humour. Mehr erfahren
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17,80 € *


Die roman Skaduwee vorm ’n eenheid met Carel van der Merwe sy vorige twee boeke, Nasleep en Geldwolf. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *


Shark is a novel about big business, big life, and the big fall in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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21,80 € *

Esther's House

Esther’s House is a South African story of greed, power, and the fight for what is right when good people are pushed too far. Mehr erfahren
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16,80 € *

'n Huis vir Ester

’n Huis vir Ester is ’n verhaal oor gierigheid, mag en diestryd om geregtig­heid wanneer goeie mense besluit genoeg is genoeg. Mehr erfahren
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16,80 € *

Kill Baxter

Kill Baxter is a mystical tale following Charlie Human's novel Apocalypse Now Now from 2013. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Wall of Days

Wall of Days is ambitious and hugely readable post-apocalypse literature. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

The Thunder That Roars

The search-and-find novel Thunder That Roars takes a New Yorker star journalist to unimaginable places in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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18,70 € *

Tokoloshe Song

Tokoloshe Song is a well written, easy to read and very popular South African urban fantasy that is all too close to reality. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *


Die vlymskerp satire Papegaaislaai skud die fondasies van Afrikaanse popkultuur soos goeie rock 'n' roll. Mehr erfahren
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17,80 € *

The Great Agony and Pure Laughter of the Gods

The Great Agony and Pure Laughter of the Gods gives voice to victims of the conflict in the Congo. Mehr erfahren
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17,80 € *

The shining girls

Science Fiction Thriller “The Shining Girls" doesn’t leave you with any easy answers but it does leave you with the satisfaction of a truly great read. Mehr erfahren
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18,80 € *


Paul du Toit, main character of this novel, fights not only the shadows of his own life, but also the hidden powers that control South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Bokveld Binnekort

"Bokveld Binnekort" is ’n wonderlike toevoeging tot die versameling knap spekulatiewe fiksie wat die afgelope ruk deur Suid-Afrikaanse skrywers gelewer is. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Monkey Business. The Murder of Anni Dewani: the facts, the fiction, the spin

"Monkey Business" is semi-fictitious about the hijacking and murder of Anni Dewani in 2010 in Cape Town. Mehr erfahren
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14,80 € *

Of Cops & Robbers

"Of Cops & Robbers" is a South African crime novel located in the greater Cape Town area. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Black Heart

Black Heart is a pacey, cool, hard-bitten and hard-hitting crime novel placed in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

The restless Supermarket

The Restless Supermarket,hailed as a classic novel of the South African transition, was awarded the Sunday Times Prize for Fiction. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Portrait with Keys

"Portrait with Keys" is a portrait of life in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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16,80 € *

The Folly

Grimly humorous and playfully serious, the novel "The Folly" is a comic and philosophical masterpiece. Mehr erfahren
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16,80 € *

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