Title: Fishes of the Okavango Delta & Chobe River, Botswana
Authors: Mike Bruton, Glenn Merron, Paul H. Skelton
Genre: Fish Guide
Publisher: Penguin Random House South Africa
Imprint: Struik Travel & Heritage
Cape Town, South Africa 2018
ISBN 9781775845058 / ISBN 978-1-77584-505-8
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 120 pages, colour and b/w illustrations
This guide is an introduction to the fishes of the Okavango Delta and Chobe River, Botswana, which has been the subject of intensive study by scientists from the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB). This research initially covered the taxonomy, diversity, distribution, ecology and behaviour of Okavango fishes but was extended, in collaboration with the Botswana authorities, to include fisheries management and the impact of tsetse fly spraying on the fish. In order to cover all fish species of northern Botswana, information on the fishes of the Chobe River, even though it is part of a different river system, the upper Zambezi, is included as well.
Authors' preface
Map: The Okavango Delta and Chobe River
Structure and ecology of the Okavango Delta
Regions of the Okavango Delta
Aquatic habitats in the Okavango Delta and Chobe River
Habitat preferences
Feeding behaviour and predator-prey relationships
Breeding strategies
Survival tactics
Rare and endangered fishes
Angling in the Okavango
How to identify a fish
Species accounts
Barbs, minnows, yellowfishes and labeos
Robbers and tigerfish
African pikes
Mountain catfish and sand catlets
Air-breathing catfishes
Claroteid catfishes
Squeakers and suckermouths
Butter catfishes
Spiny eels
Labyrinth fishes
River breams, sargos, largemouth breams,
haplochromines and tilapiines
Annual killifishes
Live-bearers and topminnows
The region's invasive aliens
Utilizing and conserving the delta and its wildlife
Factors threatening Okavango fishes
Glossary of technical terms
References and further reading
Fishes of the Okavango Delta
and Chobe River
Index to scientific and common names