Ancestral voices

Part murder mystery, part family saga, 'Ancestral Voices' is a stunning novel by one of the most accomplished writers to emerge from contemporary South Africa.
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Title: Ancestral Voices
Author: Etienne van Heerden
Genre: Novel
Publisher: The Penguin Group (SA)
Cape Town, South Africa 2011
ISBN 9780143026549 / ISBN 978-0-14-302654-9
Softcover, 13 x 20 cm, 253 pages


In the wild night hours, or during the heat of the day, whenever man's thoughts whirl feverishly, then truth and fantasy, the past and the future, life and death are indiscriminately mingled on Toorberg, home of the Moolman family. So the magistrate is to learn as he investigates the strange circumstances of the death of little Noah, child of grief, who was not entirely of this world. Every day the case becomes more complex, until it challenges the very foundations of the law. It seems as if the magistrate will have to judge an entire dynasty, both the living and the dead. Everyone's guilt has to be affirmed, or denied, and this means he will have to rip open the lives of all. The Moolmans are a tribe who have long since learned how to deal with their own. Parents cut children out of their lives, shunt them aside to live as stepchildren, scrag-ends of the clan, or as city-dwellers whose names are never uttered. The Moolmans cannot forgive; not when their tribal blood is betrayed.