Sin, Sushi & Survival, by Erla-Mari Diedericks

Sin, Sushi & Survival, by Erla-Mari Diedericks. Zebra Press Random House Struik. Cape Town, South Africa 2011. ISBN 9781770221420 / ISBN 978-1-77022-142-0

Sin, Sushi & Survival, by Erla-Mari Diedericks. Zebra Press Random House Struik. Cape Town, South Africa 2011. ISBN 9781770221420 / ISBN 978-1-77022-142-0

Ever since Erla-Mari Diedericks, author of Sin, Sushi & Survival, can remember, she has dreamt about writing a book. She would dream about the book signings, the interviews, being known as a writer of note. About writing something so special and beautiful that it was going to make the world sit up and take notice. She wanted to write a book that would cause tears of joy and tears of sadness, a book that would change people's lives.

Erla-Mari Diedericks  

The problem was that I had no idea what to write about. The story just wouldn't come. For years, the frustration built up. Where was my story? Be careful what you wish for: I had no idea during those years of mounting writers' frustration that I was busy living the story that would become my book. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, once said that there are books you want to write and then there are books you need to write. While the living of this book almost killed me - and I mean this quite literally: the day I finally decided to leave, my ex-husband's finger marks were imprinted around my neck - the writing of it also drained me at times. Reliving those datk, desperate moments wasn't easy, but I knew that I had to do it, because, somewhete out there, there is someone who is currently immersed in a similar darkness and can't see their way out. Of course, in the book there is the good stuff as well. I survive. I fall in love. I am still alive. And when someone going through a divorce or heartbreak or an abusive relationship reads this, they will, I hope, see themselves reflected in both my pain and my joy, and this will give them hope ... or at least put a smile on their face. I once went to see a fortune teller. She told me that I would lead an interesting life. After years of abuse, I started to think that her prophecy was a curse. Now I think it is a great thing: not only has it made me stronger, but it has given me something to write about! A memoir is a recollection of memories. It is also the perfect place to sift through those memories, collect your thoughts and come to a conclusion. I have recalled conversations and situations as I've remembered them - they are not reproduced here verbatim. What you see in this book is my voice and my personal recollections of events. For the putposes of narrative flow I have compressed timelines and created composites of minor people in the book. I have also changed all names and occupations to protect the innocent - as well as the not-so-innocent. What I have not changed - and never can - are the instances of abuse, the court appearances, the evidence supplied for my protection order, the criminal charges, the medical evidence and the absolute fear and loathing that I felt - and sometimes still do.

This is an excerpt from the book: Sin, Sushi & Survival, by Erla-Mari Diedericks.

Title: Sin, Sushi & Survival
Genre: Memoires
Author: Erla-Mari Diedericks
Imprint: Zebra Press
Publisher: Random House Struik
Cape Town, South Africa 2011
ISBN 9781770221420 / ISBN 978-1-77022-142-0
Softcover, 13 x 20 cm, 168 pages

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