Ludwig Taschner’s Roses Ludwig Taschner 9781770078031-978-1-77007-803-1

Ludwig Taschner’s Roses, by Ludwig Taschner. Random House Struik Lifestyle. Cape Town, South Africa 2010. ISBN 9781770078031 / ISBN 978-1-77007-803-1

Ludwig Taschner’s Roses, by Ludwig Taschner. Random House Struik Lifestyle. Cape Town, South Africa 2010. ISBN 9781770078031 / ISBN 978-1-77007-803-1

This is how Ludwig Taschner’s book on South African roses looks inside. (ISBN 9781770078031 / ISBN 978-1-77007-803-1)

This is how Ludwig Taschner’s book on South African roses looks inside. (ISBN 9781770078031 / ISBN 978-1-77007-803-1)

The beauty of roses has always captivated man, and it has inspired the publication of more books than any other variety of flower. Ludwig Taschner realised that a book on rases would quickly become outdated with regard to the most suitable varieties and rose-care products. That is why he hasn't listed and illustrated hundreds of varieties, but has rather included many photographs on how to use roses in gardens.

Ludwig Taschner  


One of the many sayings about the most romantic of all flowers is 'A rose is a rose is a rose'. The reality is not as simple as that: the versatility of roses lies not only in their huge variety of colours and tints, but also in the extensive range of flower shapes and sizes and multiple growth forms. Roses have graced our planet for at least 30 million years. The origins of the rose are widespread - from the humid climate of China to the hot, dry, desert conditions of the Middle East, and from the moderate environment of Europe and North America to freezing Alaska. Today, some 50 000 different rose varieties are grown all over the world. Roses are inextricably linked to romance, as many of their names suggest: 'Ivory Beauty', 'Bride's Dream', 'L'Aimant', 'String of  Pearls', 'The Lady' and 'Tanned Beauty'. Roses are noble flowers too, their names often reflecting loved or eminent people in  whose honour particular varieties have been created, such as 'My Granny', 'Caroline de Monaco', 'Maria Callas', 'Brumilda van Rensburg', 'Miriam Makeba', 'Albertina Sisulu' and, of course, our very own 'Madiba'. Throughout the ages, roses have been entwined in coats of arms and woven into legends and fairy tales. Colour remains the guiding principle in selecting roses; it is the source of many arguments between couples who visit garden centres. I would possibly never have become as passionate about roses had my entry into specialised horticulture not coincided with the creation of orange roses. 'Super Star' was extraordinary in its time and, even today, my eyes are drawn to an orange rose first of all. Although it is a challenge to grow roses under difficult circumstances, a garden graced with beautifu roses is comparable to an artistically decorated home. It can be the envy of neighbours and receive the appreciation of passersby. No advice or statement in gardening must be seen as being written in stone. Every garden has its very own microclimate and unique soil structure, and your gardening practice is bound to be different from that of your neighbour, and with different results. Although this book focuses on rose growing in southern Africa, it will obviously also apply to other countries in both hemispheres with similar subtropical climatic conditions.

Table of content: Ludwig Taschner’s Roses, by Ludwig Taschner

Why grow roses?
Conditions that suit roses
Thoughts on colour and fragrances
How to grow roses
Soil preparation
Transplanting older roses
Soil sickness
Growing roses in containers
Growing roses near the sea
Rose care
Anatomy of a rose
Pest and disease control
What else could be wrong with my roses?
Winter pruning
Finger pruning
Grooming and summer pruning
Hail damage
Cutting blooms and arranging
them in a vase
Making your own rose plants
Rooting cuttings
Budding on an understock
Month-by-month guide to
successful rose growing

Rose groups, types and varieties
Rose names
Protection for unlicensed propagation
Sports (Mutations)
Rose groups and types
Bush roses
Hybrid Teas
Antico Moderno® roses
Fairy Tale® roses
Colourscape roses
Miniature roses
Climbing roses
Midinette® roses
Panarosa® roses
Spire® roses
Heritage roses
Standard roses
Colourscaping with roses
Hints on where to grow roses
Formal Victorian rose bed designs
Using roses in informal garden designs
Mass plantings
Specimen roses as focal points
Climbing roses
Formal designs
Raised and edged beds
Underplantings in rose beds

This is an excerpt from the book: Ludwig Taschner’s Roses, by Ludwig Taschner.

Title: Ludwig Taschner’s Roses
Author: Ludwig Taschner
Publisher: Random House Struik
Imprint: Lifestyle
Cape Town, South Africa 2010
ISBN 9781770078031 / ISBN 978-1-77007-803-1
Softcover, 22 x 28 cm, 128 pages, 434 photographs

Taschner, Ludwig im Namibiana-Buchangebot

Ludwig Taschner’s Roses

Ludwig Taschner’s Roses

Ludwig Taschner’s Roses introduces to roses, displays and a wide variety of rose gardens in South Africa.