Tree Atlas of Namibia. CD

As a digital copy, Tree Atlas of Namibia presents the distribution and estimated abundance of over 400 species of woody plants.
Curtis, Barbara; Mannheimer, Coleen
No longer available
€19.95 *

Title: Tree Atlas of Namibia
Authors: Barbara Curtis; Coleen Mannheimer
National Botanical Research Institute of Namibia
Windhoek, Namibia 2005
CD contains 674 pages and countless illustrations in pdf-Format


The Tree Atlas of Namibia presents the distribution and estimated abundance of over 400 species of woody plants in Namibia. It is the culmination of six years of data collection by volunteers with a keen interest in trees and is one of two products of the Namibian Tree Atlas Project. Over 300 distribution maps show where the major species are found, while graphs depict their height and habitat, and when each species has leaves, flowers or fruit. The CD gives a brief description of each species, highlighting the most distinguishing features, and illustrates most species with a line drawing of the leaves and flowers or fruit. Notes are included on general biology, uses and conservation concerns. The introduction summarises the Tree Atlas Project and highlights aspects of the ecology of woody species in Namibia. Naturalised alien species are also included.

Namibian large woody plants in a nutshell:

403 large woody species (10% of all plants in Namibia)
30 endemic to Namibia
112 always trees
18 generally trees, but sometimes shrubs
60 may be trees or shrubs
42 generally shrubs, but sometimes trees
5 dwarf trees
147 shrubs
16 scrambling or climbing shrubs
16 alien species