Richtersveld National Park and Northern Namaqualand

Regionkarte; Region Map 1:250.000 - 1:60.000
No longer available
€12.30 *
Richtersveld National Park and Northern Namaqualand

Regionkarte des Richtersveldes und nördlichen Namaqualandes
Verlag: International Motoring Production
Sun Valley (RSA), 1999
Faltkarte, 88x63 cm, beidseitiger Farbdruck

Region Map of Richtersveld and Northern Namaqualand
Publisher: International Motoring Production
Sun Valley (RSA), 1999
Fold-up map, 88x63 cm, both-sided colour print

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Unsere Beschreibung:

Faltkarte (beidseitig Farbdruck), 1:250.000, 88x63 cm mit allen Routen und sehr vielseitigen Angaben für Reisen im Richtersveld. GPS-Daten für wichtige oder markante Stellen, vernünftige Legende, Hinweise zu Übernachtungs-, Camp,- und Rastplätzen, zur Fahrzeugwahl (4x4 und 2x4) und zu Tankstellen. Einfach zu lesende Karte!

Rückseitig farbige Satellitenaufnahme 1:60.000 mit eingezeichneten Routen und Örtlichkeiten mit GPS-Angaben, sehr schön zu lesen und zu interpretieren, kräftiges Papier.

Empfohlene topographische Karten zur Ergänzung:

Maßstab 1:500.000

Maßstab 1:250.000

Our description:

Colour folding map, 88x63 cm, scale 1:250.000, all routes and rich information needed for travelling the Richtersveld. GPS-data for important or significant locations, good-to-use legend, accommodation information and refuelling points. Extra information for choice of vehicle. Back sheet shows a colour satellite image of the Richtersveld in scale 1:60.000, with imbedded routes and locations (with GPS-data). Very useful, easy to read map!

Recommended additional topographic maps:

Scale 1:500.000

Scale 1:250.000

Publisher’s note:

The far north-western Cape, known as the Richtersveld, is arguably the most breathtakingly beautiful region of the Southern African sub-continent and one of the last remaining wilderness areas in South Africa. The spectacular desert scenery contrasts vividly with the life-giving waters of the Orange River, the ornament around which the dark hills and forbidding mountains blend.

A four-wheel drive vehicle is not a necessity, and many adventurous travellers enjoy exploring the Richtersveld in high-clearance two-wheel drive vehicles. Rear axle differential-locks are also not necessary although heavy duty tyres are advised. This map includes the Richtersveld National Park in topographic and aerial photomap form as well as the Orange River to the east of the park in topographic form. Here public roads, negotiable by ordinary motor vehicles, traverse stunning terrain. A GPS will aid in the use of many features of this map, but it is not essential.

The Richtersveld is remote and potentially hostile to the ill-equipped. All travellers must take three days of food and water in case of vehicle breakdown.

Recommendations for Richtersveld National Park and Northern Namaqualand