Nostalgic Reflections. Short Stories about South Africa and Abroad

Paul J. J. Smith's nostalgic Reflections consist of short stories about South Africa and travels abroad with an occasion in traditional life.
Smith, Paul J. J.
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Titel: Nostalgic Reflections
Subtitle: Short stories about South Africa and travels abroad with An Occasion in Traditional Life
Author: Paul J. J. Smith
Genre: Memoirs
Publisher: Publishing Print Matters (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town, South Africa 2012
ISBN 9780980260809 / ISBN 978-0-9802608-0-9
Softcover, 15 x 23 cm, 109 pages, several b/w and colour photos

About: Nostalgic Reflections. Short Stories about South Africa and Abroad

The short stories I share with you in Nostalgic Reflections: Short Stories about South Africa and Abroad come from my personal life experience. These tales span a lengthy period of time, from my birth and first awakening as a child, through puberty, young manhood, to adulthood. The fabric of these tales is true, but they are also interspersed and embroidered with liberal helpings of originality, humour, tragedy, heartbreak, a smattering of melancholy and sentiment as well as a breath of inspiration and a long stretch of imagination. Some of these stories end abruptly, leaving you dangling, perhaps disappointed and wondering why? This is why I prefer to call these writings short stories: they invite you to participate, to imagine, to experience, what they have to offer and then to finish them in anyway you choose.

Content: Nostalgic Reflections. Short Stories about South Africa and Abroad

Roots of Dissatisfaction
A City where I Lived
My High School Principal
My Choice
Bushmen of the Kalahari
A Living Nightmare
Travelling Dilemma
The United States of America: First Impressions
A Difficult Adjustment
Undertones of Meaning
Packaged Communications
Rodeo '68
An Occasion in Traditional Life by Paul J J Smith,
Illustrated by Isaac Othene
Diamonds in the Rough
Where will all the Teachers come from?
A Speech in San Francisco - to the Caribbean
African American Society: March 1994 - introduced by Shep Shepherd
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