
The novel King is a gentle but emotional read, with humorous inserts to take the sting out of it.
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Title: King
Author: Gareth Crocker
Genre: Novel
Publisher: The Penguin Group (South Africa)
Cape Town, South Africa 2015
ISBN 9780143539339 / ISBN 978-0-14-353933-9
Softcover, 13 x 20 cm, 249 pages

Description: King

King is an emotional novel which is set between Detroit (USA) and the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Elijah Rolene is a troubled man who has suffered severe losses. Struggling to cope with the death of his late wife, after resigning from his job, he turns into a drug addict. He turns to painkillers several times a day for stress relief when a white lion cub enters his life surprisingly.

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