Gareth Cliff on Everything

In Gareth Cliff on Everything, the author throws caution to the wind and writes about all those subjects that make him glad, sad or simply mad.
Cliff, Gareth
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Title: Gareth Cliff on Everything
Author: Gareth Cliff
Publisher: Jonathan Ball
Cape Town; Johannesburg, South Africa 2011
ISBN 9781868424559 / ISBN 978-1-86842-455-9
Softcover, 15x23cm, 225 pages


Gareth Cliff likes to shoot from the hip. Whether on air or judging a trembling Idols contestant, he is always quick with a point of view. In Gareth Cliff on Everything, Gareth throws caution to the wind and writes about all those subjects that make him glad, sad or simply mad. Cows? The perfect steak-making machines. Tarts? Good to have around, even if there is no conversation to be had. Our President? A bargain-bin, most-things-to-most-people, least offensive compromise. Nigella Lawson? She’s gotta go before there’s an orgasm on set. Ancestor worship? Outdated and primitive. Death? Hey, we’ve all got to go sometime? Children? No thanks, only when I have my own. The British Empire? Sorry, it’s fallen. The Pope? You better read about it. Want to know more? Dip into Gareth Cliff on Everything – it will engage, enrage and derange you all at once.